Chapter 2: The Truth

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King Boo's POV:

I started to answer Luigi's question about me.

"The reason why I'm doing this is because something in me is telling me to help you. I don't know what it is yet, but I have a theory. It might be love. As in friends, not love love." I felt my face getting a bit hot. I didn't know Boos like me can blush.

"You like me as a friend?" Luigi asked me.

I answered, "Yes." I wasn't lying.

I was gonna tell Luigi more,but then E Gadd calls again.

Luigi's POV:

E Gadd calls me while King Boo and I were talking. I answered.

"Luigi! Are you somewhere alone?"

"No, I'm with King Boo. Why?"

"I need to talk to you about something, privately."

"Okay hold on a minute."

I look at King Boo. "E Gadd wants to talk to me alone. I don't know what."

"Oh okay..." King Boo left the bathroom, giving us some time to talk alone.

"So what's up, E Gadd?"

"It's King Boo. He's the one-"

"I know. I know. He told me."


"Yes, why? Is that bad?"

"It's worse than bad! He could be using you! For whatever his plan is! Don't trust him!"

I know E Gadd is looking after me, warning me, but something about King Boo... He's not really planning whatever E Gadd's thinking.

I sighed. "Okay. I'll be careful."

"Thank you, Luigi. Good luck out there. I'll bring you back in 5 minutes." He hangs up.

I walked out of the bathroom to find King Boo. "King Boo?"

He was getting my brother's painting. "Hey, Luigi. I was getting your brother. What's up?"

"Oh thanks. E Gadd's gonna bring me back to him in 5 minutes."

"Oh okay... Are you coming back soon?"

"I hope so," I told him truthfully.

"Okay here." He hands me Mario.

"Thanks." I started to free Mario.

He falls out of the painting and sees me. "Luigi!" He hugs me.

I hugged Mario back. "Hey, bro." "Luigi, what happened? Is King Boo back?" "Yes, but he let you go." "Huh. That's strange. Anyway, we're going home, right?" "E Gadd said so. In a few minutes." "Okay. And Luigi?" "Yeah, Mario?" "If you do come back here, be careful, okay? You're the only brother I have." "You're the only brother I have, too. Don't worry, Mario. I'll be careful." "Promise?" "Promise."

It wasn't long when E Gadd took me and Mario back to the secret hideaway lab thing.

"Oh Mario! You're okay!"

"Yup. I heard that King Boo let me go."

"That's strange. Anyway, Luigi. I need to talk to you about King Boo and the Dark Moon."

"Okay." "Wait. Do I stay or go home?"

"Oh you can go home, Mario. Luigi should be back home by morning."

"Okay. Thanks, E Gadd!" Mario left to go home. It's just me, E Gadd, and all the ghosts and boos that I've caught left alone.

"Okay, Luigi. About King Boo. I feel like he's still planning on something." "Maybe it's not a bad plan if he is. Maybe he's just trying to get my attention this whole time." "Maybe... But we still must be careful. Just don't trust him. That's all I'm asking."

"Okay..." It hurts on the inside still, hearing to be told not to trust King Boo. "Now about the Dark Moon?" I tried to change the topic a bit.

"Oh yes! King Boo must've destroyed it and he's in control of the ghosts. We still need to get that last piece back. Got it?"

"Got it!" "Okay. I'm sending you back where you left off. Remember, get the last piece. Don't trust King Boo. And be careful. Got it?"

"Yes." "Okay. Good luck, Luigi!" E Gadd sent me back where I was in the mansion.

The first thing I see was that King Boo was waiting for me.

King Boo's POV:

I was waiting for Luigi to come back. I saw the camera lighting up and Luigi's particles came through.

"Luigi! I was waiting for you!" I told him happily. "Hey, King Boo." "Where's Mario? Did he go home?" "Yup. I need to back home by morning." "Oh okay. So what did E Gadd wanted?"

"Well, we're still getting all of the Dark Moon pieces back." "Oh... About that last one..."

Luigi looked at me confused. "Remember those ghosts that guarded the other pieces?" "Yeah, why?" "Well this one... Is a knight. A giant one."

"Oh you can still get him out, right? You still have full control of them, right?"

Oh man. I felt so sorry for Luigi. "That's... Not possible, unfortunately. These ghosts are the ones that sticks with the original plan no matter what."

"Aw man." I saw the terror and disappointment looks on Luigi's face.

"Hey, don't worry, Luigi. I'll help you." His face lit up a bit. "Really?" "Yes," I told him.

We were on our way to fight the last Guardian and to get the last Dark Moon piece. Something has been bugging me for a really long time. I decided to come clean with Luigi.

"Hey, Luigi?" He looked at me. "Yeah, King Boo?" Oh boy. This wasn't easy for me to tell him.

"I have some shocking news..."

"What's up?"

I sighed before telling him. "I... I...- Do you know why I did that? Back from years ago?"

"Not really. I tried to figure that out, but I couldn't."

"Well... The reason I did that is because I wanted your attention."

He was somewhat shocked. "Why? Why did you wanted my attention so bad?"

I told him the truth. "Because, I see you in your brother's shadow a lot. And I've never see you out of there. I never see you actually fight without his help. So I had that thought, "What would happen if you have to fight without your brother? What would happen if you were out of his shadows for once?"

"So I captured him in the painting, gave you that fake grand mansion prize, and made you to go there. To see what would happen. And I'm actually impressed on how strong and brave you actually are. I wanted to see more of that outta you more often.

"It truly does hurt me when I see you getting hurt from all that. I wanted it to be a challenge, never a life risk. I'm terribly sorry for all the harm and what you've gone through."

It took him a moment to collect his thoughts, and everything what I've told him.

"Wow... That's... That's really... I don't know what to say..."

I left him speechless. "It's okay, Luigi. You don't have to say anything about this. If you want, we can talk about something else." I didn't know if he was getting uncomfortable with the subject or something.

We were almost there and we've be quiet lately. Luigi broke the silence. "So.. about what you told me. I appreciate for you trying to help, but I'm okay with living in Mario's shadows." I was shocked. "Really? Why?" "Because, it's always been that way. And despites it all, we're still brothers, and we still look after for each other."

"So you're okay with being in the shadows...?" "Yes, I am."

We've finally reached to our destination.

"Well, this is it, Luigi." "Yup. Good luck, King Boo." "You too, Luigi."

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