Chapter 7: The Fight of the Frienemies

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~~2 1/2 hours later...~~

Luigi's POV:

Me and E Gadd fought for a long time. It was really going nowhere.

I tried to keep on blinding him, but it doesn't work with his glasses on. So, I decided to trick him.

"E Gadd! Boo!" I pointed at the wall behind him. There was no boo.

He turned as planned. "Boo? Where?" I snatched his glasses off of his face with one hand and flashed him with the flashlight using the other hand.

It work... Or so I thought.

I blinded him. Now's my chance! I told myself. I tried to take the crown off, but he noticed me and grabbed my wrist tightly.

"Not so fast, Sonny." I struggled to get free from him.

King Boo's POV:

I watched them fight. Luigi needed my help. And at the worse time as well. There was nothing else for me to do, but to just watch and listen.

Please be careful, Luigi. I thought to myself. It's funny how I never thought things could go this way. But they did.

Luigi's POV:

I was getting worn out, but I have to keep on fighting. I realized that my dodging speed was slowing down, getting tired by each minute pass.

So many times I've tried to stop him. So many dodges. So little bit of energy left in me. I couldn't even keep my eyes open.

King Boo's crown's lighting woke me up, because E Gadd was gonna blast me into the blank painting. I barely dodged in time.

"Any last words, Luigi?" E Gadd asked me.

Is this it? Is this really the end?! A bunch of thoughts have enter into my mind. I'm sorry, King Boo...

Tears started to shed. I felt so hopeless. So alone. So afraid.

But then I remembered something. Back then, when I fought King Boo and won. I had this similar moment, when he was about to capture me.

I've found a way to defeat him.

That memory have gave me an idea. I got up. "Just one. Up," I told E Gadd.

He was confused. He looked up, seeing a giant spike ball coming down to him. I'm guessing some boos were saving that for this moment.

It landed on him, squished him.


Or so I thought...

E Gadd's POV:

He tried to squish me. But I lived! But when I tried to use my poltergeist, it wasn't working the way I wanted it to.

It started to release all of the boos and ghosts that I've captured.

"Wait what?! This isn't supposed to happen!"

Luigi's POV:

Now with the boos and ghosts on my side, funny how I said that, E Gadd will be defeated!

But something- no. Someone else was in the way.

No one's POV:

A fellow all dressed in black with some green came outta the dark shadows, with a slime version of Luigi.

"Mr. L and Gooigi?!" Luigi yelled in surprised. "Heh.. looks like my backup plan is in session. Now, to finish you!" E Gadd pointed at Luigi.

Mamma Mia, Luigi thought. Just has things seems to be getting worse, a ghostly doggo did a surprise attack on Gooigi, making him to return to his container and sealed up.

Polterpup barks to Luigi. "Good, doggy!" He gives him a golden bone as a treat. Mr. L got his poltergeist ready, but he got attacked by the boos.

He ran outta the mansion and never return. It was only E Gadd left.

"Now, about letting King Boo go," Luigi stated. "I won't let him go." E Gadd tried to use King Boo's crown's magic to trap Luigi into the painting, but fails.

"What-?" He noticed that he doesn't have the crown anymore. "WHERE DID IT GO?!"

Polterpup has returned the crown to Luigi. "Missing something, frienemy?" Luigi pointed out. E Gadd has the "I'm screwed" face on him.

Luigi trapped E Gadd into the painting that he was gonna trap Luigi in. Then, he freed King Boo with his light.

King Boo's POV:

Luigi freed me. I hugged him. "Thank you, Luigi," I started crying. I felt him hugging me back.

"You're welcome, King Boo. And.. I'm sorry... I didn't know this was gonna happen..." I head him crying.


We were on our knees, hugging each other, and crying on each other's shoulders for what it feels like about a few hours.

The next thing I know is that I saw a familiar red Italian plumber walking up to us. Mario came.

"Luigi! King Boo! Are you two okay? Why are the boos going crazy like they've been freed or something?"

We explained Mario everything what happened.

Mario was surprised as Luigi was. Then Luigi remembered something.

"Oh yeah! King Boo?" "Yes, Luigi?" "There's something I wanted to ask you." "Yes?" "Would you like to come over for my birthday?"

I was happy when he asked me that. "Yes, Luigi. Of course!" I was excited.

"Thanks, King Boo!" Luigi hugged me and I hugged him back. He told when his birthday is and what time to come over. Good thing it's gonna be at night. Sure, I can survive daylight, but only for so long.

Mario and Luigi left after saying "good night." And now I need to find something that Luigi would like for his birthday...

And it has to be perfect.

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