🕊️SR 4

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Conrad Knight

The Bible said forgive and forget. Also forgive, was it 77 times or? Something along those lines. But that wasn't applicable to me. I wasn't about to forgive some nasty bitch and her family after what they did to my family.

I don't even know why Hazel James changed her name and her hair color. That bitch didn't recognize me and my plan was working the way I had planned it out. She wouldn't know what hit her. That silly goose had to pay one way or the other.

"Man, was that really necessary? Pouring hot coffee on her? In her defense you didn't tell her what you liked and since she normally brings me black coffee she thought you would prefer it too." Chris scolded.

"Shut it Christy! It is already bad that I have to see that bitch and pretend to love her atleast let me enjoy torturing and humiliating her. Wasn't that what she did to me and my family years back? A little payback won't hurt. Stop being a pussy."

Christopher was about to retort when my computer dinged indicating the traitorous bitch arrival and I had to put up the act.

"I really love her man. Don't know what I'll do if she rejects me. It wasn't my...

Hazel James

My wrist hurt. It was all cramped and stiff. Finally, I had finished the 10,000 words essay. Did this man truly love me as I had overheard? I made my to his office and stopped right outside and I could hear voices. They were arguing and then "...intention to pour hot coffee on her. I just don't want to seem desperate you know. The last time I gave a girl my all you know what happened. She took off with all my money and attacked my mom. I don't want to make the same mistake. I rather she hates me than pretending to love me then later break me."

"Hazel, is not just any girl Conrad. Give her a chance. She's really sweet and loyal..." I knew they were talking about me but it was time to announce my appearance. I knocked and the doors opened. "Sir, here's the written report. 10,000 words as you had asked."

He took it and scanned it with some machine. "These are not 10,000 words James. They are 9999. Go and write a new report. Make sure they are 10,000 this time. I see you didn't attend a proper school."

That's impossible I counted the myself. I took the papers silently and went to write a new one. Now I knew why he was cold to me. He thought I would leave him heartbroken. I would show him how much I love him and that he can trust me with everything including his life and heart. I matched out of his office and stopped abruptly at my door.

Wait what? Love? Did I love Mr. Knight?

Conrad Knight

The dumb bitch couldn't tell the difference between lies and true love. I laughed humourlessly...women! I could see it in her eyes that she believed me. Couldn't she use her nonexistent brain and see that I had security cameras outside my office. I'm always alerted when she's coming so that I can prepare myself. Too bad she wasn't blessed with brains although she has the looks.

"That was not cool. You made her write another essay just because she missed one word? That's heartless dude." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Are you in love with that whore Chris? You call me heartless? How about when she told her brother to sleep with my mom while she takes my dad. What do you call that? I'm doing this for my family. If you don't want to be part of this then you're free to back the fuck off. I know other people willing to help."

"Look dude, I mean no harm. It's just that sometimes I find it hard to believe that she could do such a thing. I mean, look at her. All innocent and all."

I was furious, that's how she deceived me once but now that my eyes were fully opened I knew her true colors. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, you know the drift. "Get a grip and open your eyes Chris, my father realised late that a slut had used him. Now where is he today? Be vigilant man. Let's go get some drinks."

"Isn't it too early? It's 5pm."
"Not too early for hot sex. Shall we?"


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