🕊️SR 14

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Conrad Knight

"Man, you went overboard with that one." Chris said. "I personally think it was hilarious. Throwing away the food she made and humiliating her. What Conrad is doing now is nowhere near to what that bitch and her brother did." Jen said defensively.

I knew she had prepared food and even cleaned the kitchen. Heck I even tasted the food. Though it was delicious, I had to make her pay so I threw the food into the dustbin. Jen was right. Atleast she's still alive. What about my mom who committed suicide?

There was this aroma that filled the air and im sure the others smelt it too. I excused myself from the others and went into the kitchen where she was. There was mouth watering biryani on the table and she was marinating the chicken. I raised my brows. How fast did she make this?

I cleared my throat and she turned to me. Her piercing blue eyes widened when she saw me. Her red hair was in a messy bun, swollen red eyes that were drooping and her cheek had a red handprint from me. "How long will you take to finish this you scumbag?" "It is done master." She said timidly.

"Guys, food is ready." I shouted and within no time they were in the kitchen. "That was fast." They started serving themselves and I tasted the chicken.
Cole started, "this chicken is-" "disgusting, almost raw and uncooked. Do you want to give us explosive diarrhea?" I screamed at her. "But-" "I told you not to talk back at me didn't I? Now as punishment you will not eat anything. I want you up by 5 am with everything ready. Now get out."

The others looked at me with brows raised. "Con, the chicken's delicious." "I know, just wanted to make her feel more worthless. Let's eat."

Hazel James

I knew he had seen the food I had prepared. I also know he was the one who threw it in the dustbin. It was now 15 min to 4 am. And yet he wanted me to be up by 5am. My stomach grumbled but I paid it no mind.

He purposely abused me for nothing knowing fully well that the chicken was well cooked. I may suck at some things but I was very proud of my cooking skills. Even though I had less time I had added sodium bicarbonate to soften it. But he was using me for revenge, so he did things out of spite.

I lay my head on the mattress thinking of the moments when I was actually happy but found just a few of when I was with my father. I refused to go down memory lane of my elder sister and mother who meant nothing to me. The cause of all my problems. Why father was on life support currently.


My eyes refused to close. I was feeling very tired and sleepy but I couldn't. I could hear screams, moans and grunts from all corners. I could hear Jennifer's screams, Conrad saying some things, some other woman's screams and other disgusting sounds.

So it had come to this. My smart watch said it was 4:48 am. I knew I wouldn't sleep so I got up to go start my duties. I went to the kitchen to find a very huge mess on the table and floor.

The dirty dishes were in the sink so I started washing them and cleaned up the kitchen. When I was done it was already five. I mopped the kitchen floor but I couldn't stop the waterworks as I broke down.

It was when I heard and throat being cleared that I hastily wiped the tears and held the mop pretending to be cleaning but the traitorous tears wouldn't stop.
"Hazel," I knew that voice. It was Christopher. "I'm sorry." I did not bother to turn around. "Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes sir."

I heard footsteps and I released a sigh of relief. It was 30 minutes to 6 so I started on breakfast. I had just prepared the pan and was about to oil it since it was hot when my hand was pressed into the pan itself and I screamed crying. "You bitch, some of us are trying to sleep here and you are disturbing us, you parcel of misfortune."

He was still pressing hard on it and my hand was now burning as hot, salty tears streamed down my face. The pain was unbearable. He then let go off it and I slumped on the floor when he left. My hand was red and some parts had nearly turned black. This just brought back the memories of the past. Conrad Knight was no less than a beast. If I ever escaped this hell hole alive, I should become an activist. Warning people of him.


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