🕊️SR 35

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Hazel James

"Sorry I'm late." A deep husky voice sounded just after I had exhaled a breathe of relief. My spine had straightened with immediate effect.

I turned around and saw that he was focused on the rest of the people in the room. He was directed to his seat and I quickly composed myself.

This time it was a different me. I had control of my emotions, my life and everything that concerned me. With that, I made my presence known.

"Welcome Mr. Knight. I was just starting on your company analysis." He raised his head and I could tell I had shocked him to the core. "What the hell?" He muttered under his breath.

I could see Fredo giving me questioning looks but I ignored him focusing my attention back on the screen.

"As I was saying, we're on to Knight Tech. With what I've seen their sales are considerably dropping this may have to do with...."


6 hours later...

I slumped onto the chair after the rest had left. My lips were chapped. Throat sore and my voice hoarse. I had been standing on heels while talking nonstop for over 4 hours.

I was thankful that it was now over. Sighing I closed my eyes. Conrad had been staring at me throughout the meeting. I could see that many had noticed and some were itching to know what kind of relationship we had.

Well, if only they knew. Conrad would have gone down. It wouldn't be long before the Women Rights Movement showed up on his door for all he had done.

The faint closing of the door had me opening my eyes. The person who entered did not bother to speak so I looked back.

My face went completely blank. He had the audacity to look remorseful and guilty. "Haz-" He begun as he strode towards where I was seated.

"Stop right there Knight! If you have anything to say then say it where you are. Let us not pretend as of we had a great relationship all along. Now speak."

"I know and I'm sorry. I- God, if only you knew how guilty and sorry I feel for all I out you through. No amount of sorries can turn back time but please find it in your heart to forgive me." I could see tears in his eyes.

"Are you done?" I spoke with a stone cold voice. His eyes held surprise and hurt. The nerve of this fool!

I took my time to observe him. The suit he wore was lose on him and his hair was in a messy bun with a stubble that had overgrown.

Seeing no response from him I made a move to leave the room. He grabbed my wrist in the process. "Hazel, even your father would ha-" This was when I lost it.

"Do not even go there asshole! What do you know about my father. If I remember correctly you are the reason he is dead. No? You think you have the world on your palms. Most powerful man alive my foot. You did not listen to me. You never considered me a human.

Never once did you ask yourself why I had red hair or blue eyes. Noo! You decided to play me. I had feelings for you. And you know what? I was so stupid. I'm even ashamed of my stupidity back then. Madison warned me. She tried to make me see beyond my feelings.

But I always defended you. I always wondered during the dates we went on why you seemed different but I was blinded the so called love I had for you. You ruined my life. All the hardwork in the university.

Making me a slave in your own home and calling me names. So you have no right. Absolutely no right to stand in front of me and say that my father would have wanted me to forgive you. You are a killer. Hope you remember that. Your thirst for revenge without even knowing the whole truth took a life.

Live with all that guilt for all I care. I may have once loved you Conrad but that's it. Loved. Not anymore. You exerted your revenge. You should be happy. Groom yourself you look like shit."

I stormed out of the conference room almost on tears. I had loved this man. He made me believe that I was his world. Even when he treated me like a whore my heart defended him. Only for what.

Some part of me might love him but I was trying get over it. Me and Conrad could never happen. It was purely toxic.

Arms wrapped around me and I didn't need to open my eyes to know who it was. "I had a feeling he is the man who has your heart." Fredo whispered. "Not now Lamberto."

"This conversation is not over. But word of advise love. I may not know the full story but remember this, when you forgive you grow. Think about it."

Conrad saw me in Fredo's arms and I could see his face drop. With one last squeeze Fredo left and made my way to my hotel room. If only Conr- don't even go there. I scolded myself.

Love you all my readers.
Not edited.
Coronavirus is no joke!
Follow the regulations given and if you have curfew adhere to it.
On that note lemme juice you on some news I saw today.

A landlord is telling his tenants that if they do not pay the full rent then they should assemble their wives for daily screwing (cough***fucking)


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Be blessed.

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