🕊️SR 37

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Conrad Knight

I sat patiently at the small diner waiting for Hazel. It had been 39 minutes 5 seconds and she was yet to show up. I really hoped I hadn't been stood up.

What I did is unforgivable but I just wanted her to listen to me. I know she doesn't want anything to do with me but just wanted her forgiveness so that she could enjoy her life with Fredo Lamberto.

As for me, well I had different plans.

"Son, can I get you another coffee?" The old woman asked sympathetics and o shook my head. I didn't know why but I felt like crying.

My chest was painfully tight today. "No thank you." She held my hand in hers. "Whatever it is. No matter how long you wait. It gets better in the end. So persevere. I can sense your sadness from afar."

Paying the bill even after her refusal I slowly made my way out of the Cafe. I had spent almost an hour waiting for her. She want ready to forgive me yet and I'm okay with it.

A figure suddenly bumped into me and held them before they tumbled on the ground. "Sorry." A short girl who roughly was about 19 apologized.

"No problem. I wasn't watching my way either." I replied.

"I'm Nadia."


"I know who you are and I must say I'm a huge fan of yours." She smiled a full blown smile.

"Well I'm late for work. I must get going." She said running. She really was short and looked funny running in an oversized skirt. I smiled after her.

"Sorry I'm late."

Hazel James

Today had been an eventful morning. An asshole bumped into me and started cursing me in Italian. Since I knew little Italian that consisted of heavy insults I rained them at him mercilessly.

On arrival to the diner I saw Conrad with a woman in his arms. This stirred something I do not want to address in my heart.

They were smiling at each other and the girl was giggling. When she left I made my presence known.

"Sorry I'm late."

I saw the stiffening of his shoulders and the smile on his face wiped off.

"I thought you didn't want to see me. I was about to leave. Been here for over an hour." He said.

"Look, let's just get inside and talk it out. Yeah?" He nodded and we entered the diner.

"Back so soon son?" A pleasant looking lady said. "Oh, I see. You already made up with your woman? I told you everything would be alright." She winked and I wanted to laugh at Conrad's red face.

"Nana, please." He pleaded and she nodded laughing while leaving.

We sat down down at a booth bear the window and he began.

"Thank for coming. I just wanted to say that I'm completely sorry for everything I have done to you and your loved ones.

I know you want me out of your life and no where near you. But before I leave I just want your forgiveness. I'm truly sorry Hazel and I want you to be happy wherever you to go and in whatever you want to do. Please forgive me?"

I looked into his red eyes and deeply sighed. Love is truly blind.

Why did I still love this man?

"I forgive you Conrad and I want you to be happy too. You were blinded by rage and revenge so I understand. Just hope in future you will be rational before doing something.

Hope you find someone who you will love and not use and lie to. I have nothing against you and I hope as we part ways that there are no hard feelings between us."

Talking about him living another woman left a bitter taste in my mouth. But that's the reality.

We were just not meant to be.

Conrad Knight

"Hope you find someone,"

What if it's you I want? I wanted to ask but kept quiet. I stood up as she did and Drew her into my arms. She stiffened but relaxes immediately.

"See you when you see me?" I asked.

She nodded. "Hope Lamberto makes you happy." She smiled and my heart bled. Maybe I just wasn't cut out for love.

Maybe this is the punishment I get after what I did to Hazel. Who knows? I watched her leave the diner and she hailed a cab.

A hand on my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts. "You love her." She stated. "I do." I nodded.

"If you are meant to be then no past, or anything can come between you two."

Karma really is a bitch.

I sighed heavily. Well, it was time for me to relocate from New York to somewhere I could clear my mind without the past haunting me.

Even though Hazel said she forgave me, I felt as if I didn't deserve her forgiveness.

I had said next chapter in a few hours but God works in mysterious ways.
I was able to come up with this before an hour was over.
So yay! Double update.
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I have so many silent readers and it really can be disappointing and disheartening. So please vote.
Thank you.
Be blessed.🌹

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