🕊️SR 17

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Conrad Knight

The meeting had gone better than expected and I had gotten the deal together with the man's daughter who couldn't stop fawning over me. Atleast something good came out of this.

"Daddy, I'll see you later and meet you at home." The spoilt brat had said. The man had only nodded and left after pecking her cheek.

I jumped in my car as Donovan drove us home with me already tearing her dress open, sucking on her titties.

"Donovan stop the car." I barked. So that bitch had decided to defy my orders? No worries. I would show her not to mess with me. I called Antony, the head of my security team.

"Make sure you lock Hazel up in the cell when she returns and give her nothing. Otherwise even water." I instructed.

"What are you talking about sir? She's here at the house with the dog." He said and I nearly dropped my phone. "That is impossible. I am looking at her."

"No sir, even me I'm looking at her. She's here." Oh God. What is happening. "Look, get your men and come to my address. I want you to take this woman. We have to find out what is going on."

"Yes boss." I am so screwed. "Sir, this is not good." Donovan said. He himself was appalled. I for once couldn't believe what was happening. I rang Cole.

"Bro, I want you and the guys to get to the house Quick. There seems to be a problem. A huge one that we never expected." And I hung up. I turned to the woman whose tits were out. "Here, take this. Hail a cab or something and go home. Get out." She opened her mouth but then twisted into a sneer.

"My father will get to hear about this." Dumbass. Who cares anyway. The exact replica of Hazel was now entering Victoria Secret. When I saw the black SUV pulling up I knew it was Antony and his men.

"Drive to the house Donovan." This better not be what I am thinking or else I'm screwed.

Hazel James

The bodyguards were looking at me weirdly as if they couldn't believe something. My stomach grumbled and when I stood up I felt lightheaded. God, I hadn't eaten since last week. Only water.

There was suddenly a commotion and a woman screaming her lungs out. That voice seemed familiar though.

I wanted to go and check what the commotion was all about but I couldn't. Maybe it was one of Conrad's night stands that had refused to leave. My head was throbbing so I decided to lay down and slowly sleep overtook me.


Someone was shaking me and I felt like punching them. Sleep momentarily made me forget my problems. But now that I was awake my problems were awake too. Thank God I didn't dream of them.

"Get up. Boss wants to see you." One of the bodyguards said. He took my arm and led me inside the house and the other maids gasped when they see away me.

My body was so weak that standing was another problem so I had to lean on the bodyguard's should foe seeawupport. I would pass out any minute.

"What? This is impossible." Conrad shouted as he looked at me and back to the corner of the room. My body trembled. My hand still had the bruise from when he pressed it onto a hot pan.

I craned my neck to see what he was talking about and I gasped as the woman's lips curled up into a smirk. "We meet again little sis. It's a wonder that you are still alive. Thought he would have killed you by now." She smirked.

"Who are you? And why do you look like me?" I had a hunch but I wasn't buying it.

"Oh sweet Hazel, remember me? Crystal. Your elder sister. Does it ring a bell? Don't mind the face. Had to do it for safety reasons."

Crystal Peterson. Among the reasons why I say family is a sore subject, she is one of them. I shook my head in disbelief. She had done face reconstructive surgery to look just like me. Now my eyes had been opened and things were adding up. And the only question that could pop out now was, "Why did you do it?"


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