Male!Alpha!Wolf x Former!Healer!Reader

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(This was suggested by PrissyIsThunder, so thank you for the suggestion!)

You were a Healer for your Pack. Well, used to be. A while back, you had been exiled due to being accused of being a traitor. A wolf who had some sort of grudge against you, for who knows what reason, was looking to get you out of the Pack at any cost. So, they had framed you by acting like they witnessed you killing off the poor Omega. Poor thing was killed by a rival Pack when she went to help you look for herbs and berries.

You had been sent to the forest, not even given the chance to find a way to carry your herbs or berries with you. So, now you were out here, alone and having to search for more herbs all over again. It was frustrating, considering that winter was coming soon, but you refused to give up.

At the moment, you were looking around some shrubs for some special herbs that were hard to find. You had always found them within this area, but now you were having trouble. As if to remind you, a cold breeze blew by, ruffling out your fur slightly and making your ears flattened as you let out a huff. "Thanks, winter. You sure know how to ruin my chance at survival without a Pack!"

You just let out a small sigh as you backed away, about to turn around when you heard a small yelp. Your ears pricked and your defense rising, you slowly turned your head back to the shrubs. Of course, there was nobody there, but it sounded like it was on the other side. "Who's there?" You asked aloud, sounding as tough as you could. No reply.

You were about to go, had it not been for another yelp being heard. 'Alright, definitely not hearing things. I doubt it's a predator, though. It sounds like... Alpha? I mean-! No, his name is Meiko. He's not your Alpha anymore, (Y/N).' You thought to yourself, looking towards the area the sound came from. You had to admit something, though: even though Meiko wasn't your Alpha anymore, you'd probably help him. It was in your nature, despite not being shown often nowadays.

"Oh, alright! I'm coming over there! Do not panic!" You called aloud, giving up. Still no reply, you took it as an 'okay' and started to walk forward. Stepping past the bushes, you looked around for any wolf or animal nearby. That's when you noticed a fluffy brownish-grey furred tail with black fur at the tip, sticking out from behind a tree nearby.

Without much hesitation, you trotted over and went around the side, seeing the still body laying there. 'Well, he's breathing alright. Oh, and it's Meiko alright. I'd know that fur from anywhere.' You thought as you walked a little closer, now standing in front of him. He was still breathing, but his eyes were closed. You also noticed a terrible looking spot on his visible hind leg. In fact, it was near an open bear trap.

"Oh, shoot-! What am I gonna do about this?" You whispered, and tried to gently touch it. He woke up and let out a sharp whine before looking at you. "Hey, what gives?! Oh... (Y/N), is that you?" He questioned, tilting his head. You huffed and nodded, flattening your ears as you sat before him. "Hello, Meiko. What happened to you? That mangled leg of yours doesn't look good..." you pointed out. He nodded, giving off a nervous, wolf-like grin.

"Yeah... I was hunting, and then my hind leg got snagged in a... whats the name... 'Bear Trap?' Those metal contraptions with the sharp teeth." He admitted, which was visibly not easy for him to do. You nodded, and started to look around at the bushes nearby. "Say, wait here, alright? I'll go and find some herbs to help with that." You replied, and you instantly went off. The first bush you saw had some herbs that, when used for the juices, could disinfect it.

You walked over, grabbing a few with your mouth as you noticed some berries on the bush next to this one. "That outta be of some use, as well..." you whispered to yourself as you set the leaves by your paws, reaching over and grabbing a few. This seemed like enough to disinfect it, now you just needed a way to cover it up a little. Not too much so it could get some air, that would help it heal up slightly faster if it wasn't covered up completely.

You stuck a paw in, feeling around some of the branches until you felt some vines. You managed to pull on out with your claws, cutting it at a reasonable length. "This should do." You told your self as you got the berries and herbs in your mouth to carry, them got the vine attached to your paw by the claws. As you started to walk back over to Meiko, your thoughts went back to the past, when you had been blamed. You remember Meiko almost instantly believing the lies he was told, and you barely had a chance to stand up to yourself. It made you enraged to think about it, but you shook your head as you got up to the Alpha's body.

You tore one of the herbs in half and held it with your teeth, gently pressing it against the nasty looking wound on Meiko's leg. "Hey, (Y/N)?" He asked, to which you whispered to tell him you were listening. There was a silence for a few moments before you heard a heavy sigh come from the male. "I'm sorry. Y'know, for what the Beta did to get you out of the Pack? I found out later that it was a lie, and he was chased out. We went to look for you, but by the time we found out the truth, you were long gone." He admitted, to which you had to pause for a second from tying the vine ends together in a knot with your teeth and claws.

You finished, looking at him afterwards. "I'd say that it was okay, had it not been for one thing: the fact you almost instantly believed the lie. I barely even had a chance to defend myself before I was chased away, having to leave everything and everybody I knew behind." You responded with slight anger, yet a weird calm, in your voice. Though, you walked around and sat nearby. "Okay, Done. Try to stand and walk. Take it easy, though." He nodded, slowly but surely getting his body sat up. He managed to stand up without help, and even seemed to walk around just fine.

He looked at you with a small wolf smile. "Thank you, (Y/N)." He walked -more like limped- over to you, touching your nose with his. This surprised you, if anything, but you just accepted it without complaint. He stepped back, letting out a small, nervous chuckle. "Sorry, just couldn't contain myself there... anyways! I wanted to ask you: will you rejoin the Pack?" He questioned quickly, looking down with an equally nervous expression. Okay, this was going very quickly. But, something made you long to be back with your Pack mates and live alongside them.

"I'll think about it. Just... not right now, Meiko. Alright?" You asked at the end, to which he seemed to have a small glint of sadness in his eyes. He just nodded, despite that. "O-oh! Alright, then. Whatever makes you feel more comfortable. Just..." he trailed off as he walked up, rubbing his head against yours affectionately. "Don't feel like you need to give an answer right away. Take you time, alright?" Before you could even respond, he ran off. Well, to the best of his abilities. You watched, a little surprised.

This was something you didn't expect would happen ever again. But, you figured you would probably be back to them soon enough, since you missed your Pack a lot. You just hoped that some of them wouldn't still believe that lie was true. Despite that, you just ran off to your -temporary- shelter.

(Hope this was okay ;-; sorry if -again- it was rushed. Also sorry it was so long, as well-)

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