Witch Trials

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Students were gathered inside of the dropship, some pressed against each other, there were roughly eighty students there, so most quickly came to the consensus that four was the likely team size due to the student total. Due to the rule of the first person you see is your partner, several were already making plans on how to meet up and ensure they wound up teamed together, meanwhile most others. Though most of them were just deciding to let the dice fall where they may.

Among those people was a girl with purple hair in form-fitting black witch clothes, holding a broom in her side hand, Candy Olive, violet beauty of Vale... at least that was the title she gave herself. She walked forward towards the edge of the hangar platform, after a moment she climbed up onto her broom, a smile on her face as she waited for the door to open so she could drop where she pleased instead of being pushed to the back. She began to absentmindedly began making some of the sugar she had in her dress form shapes and move about, flittering around in a cloud before forming into a peppermint that floated up into her mouth.

Her semblance was called Confectioner allowed her to manipulate sugar and basic candy ingredients such as cocoa, caramel, sugar, and other things of the sort, weaponizing sweets... another reason some called her the Candy Witch. Her dress, stockings, hat, and boots were all carefully laced with her ingredients to make her particularly sweet method of combat viable, that way she could end things as quickly as she could.

After several minutes the hangar door began to open, some students already jumping and with a sigh, she continued sucking on her mint as she hovered off of the carrier and towards the Earth below, her balance on the broom was actually rather astounding. She watched people fall beside her and around her, so she began hovering further off and away from the other students with a smile on her face, that way she could wait things out and choose her partner more carefully.

As she lowered towards the snowy wasteland she looked around and made sure to be careful of her surroundings, no need to die because she didn't notice a saber or some other god awful lovecraftian abomination. Her gaze moved from place to place before she assumed it safe and started to hover forward, her hand firm on the stick of her broom so she'd be ready if she needed to fight, though she wasn't all that sure she would, at least not for now.

She hovered along, putting her broom at a higher speed as she moved along, scouring for other people, the purple-haired woman wanting to make certain she got the best partner possible, somebody big and dangerous and scary that could act as the perfect yin to her yang. Support didn't work well without an actual fighter to back them up, so this was essential...

And the universe provides. Her eyes landed on a massive woman who had to be nearly seven and a half feet (2.28 meters) tall with plenty of muscle, she'd found the perfect candidate. She immediately sped up, soon finding herself just behind the goliath of a woman.

"Hey, looks like you're my new partner!" she waved to the girl, taking note of the cleaver and canon on her back, taking her for more of a tanky type "Name's Candy, nice to meet ya!" she held out her hand

The brute turned around, looking down at her with some level of dismay of having to interact, though when she saw Candy her opinion slowly differed "Hmm... yes you will do fine... I am Shavar. I suppose we will come to know eachother well enough. Now let us go, we must reach the site by evening. I will not be a failure on my first day." with that she turned around and resumed walking "The point is this way. I saw it from the ridge behind us."

Candy looked back and sure enough, there was a crater in the snow on the side of the mountain, likely where Shavar had hit the ground "Hmm, alright then. Straight to the point, I can appreciate that." she nodded, asking the boar faunus "So, what's your semblance anyways?" she cocked an eyebrow while beginning to follow

As she walked Shavar responded "Aura Reserves. It relocates my aura shield to below my skin. Surrounding my bones so that it's only defending the bone, leaving my strong skin to take the hits, while the reserve of aura let's me focus more to healing instead of defense." she looked up ahead and stopped "You?"

The witch nodded, leaning back lazily "Oh, well long story short, I have candy manipulation. That's the simplified version at least." it was then she heard a growl "Seems we have friends to attend to." she said simply and then began bringing sugar from her dress and carmel too, forming sharpened candy canes and globs of hot caramel in the air, waiting for the grimm

Shavar didn't draw her weapon, not seeming to bother as she just stood there, waiting...

Then the creatures rushed out and charged, sabyrs, an entire pack of them rushing forward in the hopes of sending the students to an early grave, though little did they know... they'd chosen the wrong pair. Candy had already begun sending candy canes into the throats of several, letting them hit the ground and sending the hot caramel into the eyes of a number of others, sending them in a frenzy, some even attacking eachother as they couldn't decide the difference between the huntress and the monsters themselves.

Meanwhile, Shavar was making short work of her share, committing horrible deeds against the creatures. When one lunged at her she grabbed it by its fangs and slammed it to the ground, crushing its head with her foot before relentlessly bashing her way through the others, not saying a word as she committed to her streak of violence.

As monster after monster fell to the ground and turned to dust they began easing up more and more, the pack thinning until there were none left, just some black dust staining the snow along with caramel and candy canes, the two relaxing as Shavar nodded to Candy who began laughing from the exhilaration of the fight "Wow, you did really good Shavar, I'm glad you're the one I bumped into or I might not have faired too well."

The boar shrugged as she began walking towards the point again "Perhaps. But you did well enough. You've proven you won't be dead weight, therefore I will not eat you." she said nothing more as she went onward

Meanwhile, in the distance, a loud string of swears was heard as a blonde encountered a shark "You?! Gods damnit!"

And in the distance a giant faunus of humanoid shape heard them...

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