Violet Trailer

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Candy is an allusion to the witch Morgan Le Fay from Arthurian legend and her name is, of course, an allusion to candy. Her broom, named Mordred utilizes gravity dust to hover and fly about with a retractable blade on the tip that lets it switch into its spear mode. Her semblance is Confectioner and it allows her to manipulate and control sugar, caramel, and other common candy ingredients, thus it is her primary combat method.

She'd the Wicked Witch of Vale.

It was the dead of night, the lovely Candy Olive was strolling through the streets of Vale, having left her broom at her home, only really going out for a walk and to do some late-night window shopping. Though nothing was really catching her eye outside of a necklace here and a pair of earrings there, but nothing really worth buying.

As annoying as it was to her, she was growing to understand that fine craftsmanship and her sense of style didn't really go hand and hand, even if it was much to her annoyance. Though if nothing else she could just have her things custom made, that way the lack of things for her in shops was well made up for with entirely unique pieces. A double-edged sword she'd learned to work with well enough.

Though after a moment she heard a scream in the alley across the street from her, a woman's scream, so she ran over without hesitation and into the alley, spotting a woman being attacked by a group of four men "Hey! Get away from her you goonish bastards!" 

They turned to look at her with smirks on their faces and laughter leaving them, one saying "Damn, you were right Alabaster. That really did get them to come running." 

Candy watched in shock as the woman got to her feet and drew a gun with a smirk on her face, training it on Candy "Told you so, boys." and then six more came out, blocking the exit of the alleyway, blocking Candy in as she spoke to Candy "No, go ahead and slide us any money or jewelry, electronics too. THIS is a robbery and you've just fallen into our trap, dumbass." she cocked the hammer of her gun

Candy groaned in annoyance, getting ready for a fight "Oh for fuck's sake, preying on people's sympathy to bait them into a trap?

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Candy groaned in annoyance, getting ready for a fight "Oh for fuck's sake, preying on people's sympathy to bait them into a trap?... Clever, gonna have to borrow that trick sometime. Now get lost and I won't kill you." she smirked proudly, knowing that she could most likely handle everyone before her

She laughed and looked at Candy amused "Don't be stupid, girl, just fork your things over and live. We'd rather not convert this robbery into a murder." she then laughed "Just kidding, the murder is the fun part!" she pulled the trigger and fired, her eyes going wide in shock as her bullet was deflected by Candy's aura

"Hehehe, yeah, this is gonna be fun alright.~" she teased as she suddenly started making sharp candy canes, sending them flying at the goons behind her as she made a peanut brittle sword, lunging forward towards Alabaster "Ready to head to jail, cutie pie?" the thief drew her cutlass and blocked the blade

Her red-headed opponent smirked as four of the men blocking Candy's escape hit the ground after the cane's punctured their throats "Not bad girly, but you'll have to be better than that if you wanna take me down~" she then kicked Candy in her stomach and sent her tumbling back, annoyance all over her face as she clicked her heels together three times and got to her feet, bringing forth a second sword 

She lunged forward at one of her pals "Oh, you're gonna get your's!" she said as she dropped him to the ground and send hot caramel onto the face of another, the man was unable to get it off and started suffocating 

She rolled her eyes and folded her arm behind her back, holding her sword out to her side with a smirk on her face "Oh, no need to be so showy, though I do like a girl with a touch of boldness to her~" she then lunged forward, Candy succeeding in blocking, though she was quickly being pushing back, backing up towards the two remaining thugs

"Oh, fuck you ya sea headed bitch!" she growled, hearing whistling in the air and a smirk crossed her face "Think fast!" she pushed Alabaster back and jumped as something slammed into her men, stabbing them both, landing on the surface

Her broom had arrived "Good thing this baby has a homing beacon. Comes to me the second I click my heels three times." it was then that Alabaster tried to run only for a net to be shot from a gun, taking her down instantly

A brown-haired man walked next to Candy "Good work, name's Clover. You ever think of going to Atlas?" he asked, glancing to her with a smirk on his face

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