Silver Trailer

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Argenti Samehada is a shark faunus from the deserts of Vacuo, is an allusion to the Leviathan from Abrahamic mythology and her name means Silvers in Italian while her last name is Japanese for sharkskin. She uses twin khopesh swords, collectively named Leviathan's Fangs, both of which have dust veins along the inside of the blades and the edge of the blades, allowing her to do ranged slashes with dust powder. When used together and connected at their hilts, the Leviathan's Fangs forms into the Leviathan's Bite, a bow with a string laced with wind and gravity dust to allow arrows to travel greater distances than they usually would. Her semblance, Haaf, allows her to turn saltwater into sea fog to thick to see through, though her sense of smell allows her to bypass that weakness and remain as accurate as if she could see.

She is the Leviathan of the Sea of Sand.

Argenti rode on horseback as she led the group of shepherds along with their flock of sheep back from their grazing, watching the horizons with a sort of distaste for whatever may be out there, the bandits that terrorized her village were a regular problem for her, hence why she'd had to accompany the shepherds. Her bow was held firm in her hand with an arrow notched, so that way at the slightest sign of danger she could take aim and release without having to think too much and as such, save precious seconds in reacting.

She glanced back to the four sheep herds, also on horses with their dogs following beside them, not letting any of the thirty or so sheep wander off from the flock, all in all it was a normal day... almost a normal day. It was quiet, too quiet, by now the wrens and roadrunners should be calling, yet it was dead silence... she turned back to her own flock, the flock of people.

"Mmmm... okay let's move a little faster. Getting dark, can't say I care to be out here when I can't see." she used the darkening sky and land as an excuse, not wanting to panic them too greatly, though she knew the night was the favored time of any bandit to carry out an attack

Though before the others could follow her orders a gunshot sounded off, a sheep hit the ground and a group of sixteen bandits began charging down the side on the backs of horses and tigers, cheering and calling out as they rushed forward to catch their prey. As the people around her screamed her arrow left her quiver and knocked a bandit from his mount, killing him instantly before uncorking the gourd of saltwater on her hip and making it expand outward into a large gale of mist.

Nothing could be seen, only heard.

Four whistles, four cries, and four thuds before gunshots started ringing out wildly only to be silenced and replaced with the sounds of gurgling just before a fifth thud. The shadows of ten more began to group together, back to back with their weapons drawn, in less than twelve seconds they'd gone from being the attackers to the defenders, a truly embarrassing feat. Though when they recognized her silhouette before them with her blades drawn they charged forward, failing to notice the blades had been glowing blue... then she swung her swords, sending a gale water, ten cries followed by the thuds of ten headless bodies.

As she finished, her fog began to vanish, though her gourd didn't refill. She looked around and saw it had only been one sheep lost and nobody else. That made her smile to of had a nearly perfect trip, though a loss was a loss. But, she was snapped out of it as a woman walked up beside her.

"Impressive. I see you're certainly worth coming to Atlas Academy." 

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