War Hogs of the BlACkliSt

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Shavar looked down at the little witch girl in confusion as they made their way towards the LZ, her one good eyes admiring the woman's figure as she noted her for a potential mate, one of the reasons she had left her tribe for the schools. She wouldn't return without her license and without a bride on her arm, that was what she'd said when she left and she wouldn't be made a liar, even if it was the death of her. So now she and Candy were making their way onward, the brute dropping most of the grimm as she walked, handling them with her bare hands and superior might.

She didn't say much as Candy assaulted her with a whirlwind of words "Wow, you're super strong, I wish I was that strong if I was I could really do some damage without my dust or my candy, wouldn't that be cool? Two strong girls pounding away on evil monsters and punching evil out of existence one demon at a time? But then again, if I was that strong I wouldn't really be a witch and then I wouldn't be in this cute outfit, so I guess it's worth being weaker so long as it makes sense for me to be in something so cute. But I wish I could be really strong AND really cute too. Kinda like you, I mean you're super-duper strong and you're super hot at the same time, I honestly wish I could pull that off, but I can't, it would look weird on me, ya know?"

Shavar put a hand over her mouth to shut her up, a sigh leaving her mouth "You're just fine, don't belittle yourself on the opinions of others or on what you cannot do or be. It's beneath you."

The boar removed her hand and began walking again, their destination visible in the far distance, though she could hear something terrible coming, a great thundering boom sounding out every forty seconds or so as it drew closer... it had to be a grimm, but it was massive... she knew they couldn't hope to beat it, so instead she reached out and grabbed both Candy and her broom as she began to run in a mad dash towards the evac point, it would seem several people were already there, including Bell and Argenti, the latter of which was talking to some orange-haired girl with a cat tail off to the side, but all of them were beginning to quiet down as the booming got bigger... closer.

Shaver turned around to look in the direction of the sound, hoping the ship would be there soon, not in the most determined of moods to face something as big as it would take to produce such large sounds when it stepped. Luckily as a head was beginning to peek over the next peak the airship came into view, approaching the crowd on the ground, landing just as the monster came into clear view, just a thousand feet or so away.

"Jotun!" Flynt called out, pointing at the monster, the large club-like extension of its arm hanging from its hand, the beast not making a sound as it approached, bullets and gunshots ringing out as several students began to open fire while other ...

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"Jotun!" Flynt called out, pointing at the monster, the large club-like extension of its arm hanging from its hand, the beast not making a sound as it approached, bullets and gunshots ringing out as several students began to open fire while other students began loading onto the ship

Shavar growled and took her stance, preparing to fight as she realized the students wouldn't be able to board in time and get away unless it was stopped or slowed down, therefore she decided to perish here as a final stand against the monsters of the night. Though she was rather surprised when candy walked next to her, stabbing her broom into the ground beside her and calling out at the monster "You shall not pass!"

Bell and Argenti were soon beside them, Bomber with her sword in hand and Argenti lifting her bow with a smirk on her face "Not a bad finale, don't you think?" she released her arrow, letting it fly only for a massive explosion of fire to engulf the monster's head, just to dissipate without effect "Somehow I thought that would do more."

Bell sighed and looked at the four and then back to the ship "Alright ladies, no matter what happens, that thing doesn't get past until the ship is in the air, got it?! Today is a good day to die." she drew a handgun from the holster inside of her jacket, beginning to open fire on the monster without remorse

Argenti sighed and did the same, firing up to three arrows at a time, each one hitting their skull mask, but none doing more than leaving a scratch or some searing marks. Candy was firing barrages of candy canes and searing hot caramel, though she was starting to run out from the trip there, her thoughts were starting to turn towards her broom while Shavar just threw large boulders at it, hoping to make it trip and fall, though nothing any of them did seemed to affect this unstoppable force.

Candy called out "Nothing's working and the ship hasn't been fully loaded yet!" before looking back to the monster, her last bit of candy was used up

Bell gritted her teeth backing up as she began to look around for ideas, spotting Shavar tossing boulders, then Argenti firing her arrows and Blair climbing onto her broom "Everyone I have a plan, so listen up!" and then she began telling them

The moment it was out of her mouth they put it into motion, Argenti firing an arrow into the Jotun's leg, Shavar running forward and leaping up, grabbing the arrow and throwing herself upward to grab onto the next arrow as it hit its mark, the woman moving as fast as she could, climbing up the monster with Argenti lining her way. Once she was at it's chest she slammed her feet down into it and shot herself outward, aiming her back cannon and firing a big cannonball of various dust types, the forces of ice, fire, and gravity hitting the orange core on the Jotun's chest all at once at point-blank, cracking it terribly and causing it to stumble forward and start falling, while Candy swooped in on her broom and caught Shavar as she fell, getting her out of the monster's fall zone.

Once it hit the ground in a massive crash of snow a storm of sparks were seen flying all around, Bell's hair and eyes glowing like a stormcloud as her semblance worked its magic, supercharging her katanas with lightning as she rushed forward and brought her twin blades down in two strokes of lightning, taking the Jotun's head from its shoulders, killing it in an instant.

The students all stared in awe at the group of four girls, an archer, a living tank, a candy witch, and a storm samurai... they all burst out into cheers, rushing forward and lifting the four onto their shoulders, carrying them back to the ship as heroes.

Later on, that night when they'd arrived back the initiation ceremony began.

Ironwood spoke as names appeared on the screen above him "Neon Katt, Ivory Nobe, Flynt Coal, and Kobalt Royal. You will be a team from here to forever, team FNKI. And your leader will be Flynt Coal. Best of luck to you."

The group laughed as they walked off stage, Neon hugging Flynt and congratulating him on becoming leader of their team while the next team to be walked on stage, Ironwood speaking up again "Argenti Sliver, Bell Dundy, Candy Olive, and Shaver Maldives. From here to forever, you will be team BACS, led by Bell Dundy. Welcome to the academy, and best of luck, after what you did today, you deserve this more than anybody."

The group began walking offstage, a higher classman there to lead them to their dorm... not one of them could believe they'd actually made it, yet they had. And here they were.

They were on the path to becoming huntresses.

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