Chapter 17 (Connor)

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I stared at my computer screen in absolute shock at the new message in my inbox. It took me a few seconds to register what was going on, but when I finally did, my jaw hit the floor—


Subject: Your search is over.

Message: Have you been looking for me?

I gaped at the screen for a moment, hardly believing my eyes. I closed the computer and took a few deep breaths. This wasn't happening, or was it? I opened it again, thinking that it might have disappeared altogether, but it was still there. And then it hit me—Brett.


Subject: Haha Very Funny

Message: Nice one, Brett. I'm onto you.


Subject: Mistaken identity

Message: Connor, I'm not Brett. I guess you don't remember me. I'm sorry I bothered you...heartbroken

Holy shit. My heart started pounding—Could it be?


Subject: Wait...Who are you?

Message: If this isn't Brett? Who is it then?


Subject: The one

Message: We shared a kiss at the party last week. I'm terribly offended that you don't believe me. What do I have to do to convince you?

My heart started pounding., not the right word. What was the right word? If I had any breathe left in my lungs I might have been able to say it out loud, but I didn't. Maybe it was her. My hands shook as I brought them to the keys and started typing again.


Subject: Prove it

Message: Tell me in detail what happened at the party?

I pressed send and waited.

It felt like it took an eternity for the email to come back. With each passing second I grew more and more anxious until it became too much to bear. I got up started pacing—what the hell was taking so long? I wanted it to be her so badly.



Subject: Proof

Message: That terrible song by Katy Perry was playing when all the lights went out. I ran up to you in the dark, I don't know why. But I did. You seemed shocked for a moment or two, so was I. But then you leaned in closer, I leaned too. I could feel your breath on my lips and the air around us felt like it was on fire, and then, we were kissing. You wrapped your arm around me and pulled me in closer. Your right hand slipped down to my lower back, your fingers were hot against my skin and I shivered, remember? I tasted of cinnamon and mint and I haven't been able to think of anything else since then.

P.S. I also left something behind in your mouth.

P.P.S Best kiss of my life...

My heart leapt into my brain and pushed out any reasonable cognition. I seriously couldn't think. I was only feeling as I wrote back to her.


Subject: Best kiss of my life too

Message: I've been thinking about it too... and I want to do it again. Please tell me who you are.

There was another long gap between mails and I didn't know why, or how, but I could sense her grappling with the decision to tell me or not. It was weird, but for some reason I already felt close to her. It was as if we knew each other. There was something so familiar about her, yet she was a total mystery.


Subject: Patience is a virtue

Message: Oh Connor, I don't think you're ready to know who I am yet.


Subject: Patience is overrated

Message: On the contrary. I'm SO ready to know who you are. Trust me.


Subject: Typical Connor

Message: I KNOW YOU CONNOR MATTHEWS. I know exactly how you work. You've dated every hot blond at your school and I bet you've never bothered to get to know any of them, really know them... hmm?


Subject: Not anymore

Message: Maybe that was true. But it's not anymore. I want to know you. I want to know everything about you.


Subject: Not convinced

Message: First, you're going to have to prove to me that you're a changed man.


Subject: Done.

Message: I'll do anything you want, as long as I get to kiss you again. 

There was another long pause and for a moment I regretted what I'd just said. Maybe I'd been too forward and had just chased her away. But then another email popped into my box.


Subject: X

Message: I do want to kiss you again. But this will have to do for now.


Subject: XX

Message: I'm prepared to wait.


Subject: XXX

Message: You're going to have to. Goodnight, Connor.

And with that, I closed my computer. The biggest smile broke out across my face and I couldn't imagine anything in the world that could possibly wipe it away.

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