Chapter 20 (Sadie)

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I didn't hear from Connor for the rest of the day, which was weird. We were usually in constant communication. I tried his phone, but there was no answer. So I waited to hear from him, hoping to hear the familiar sound of M&M's plinking against my window—one of the myriad of ways we got each other's attention.

It was 8pm and I was starting to worry, so I walked over to my window and opened it. His light was on and I could see a faint shadow moving across the wall. He was there, and awake. So why the hell hadn't he gotten hold of me? I grabbed my phone and called him, it went straight to voicemail....again.

I reached under my bed and brought out my pellet gun—Yeah, slingshotting M&Ms isn't enough for this girl. The soft plastic pellets don't smash glass or anything, but they do make a nice racket. I aimed and right off the bat, I hit his window. I smiled—I'm such a good shot.

I saw Connor's hand creep around the curtain, and his face soon followed. I waved at him and wrote something on a piece of paper for him to read.

"You okay?"

I saw him reach for his binoculars, (we have this long distance communication thing covered!) He disappeared for a moment, and then returned with his own note.

"Shit day."


"Feet hurt. And tired. Goodnight."

We waved at each other and closed our curtains. I felt bad for him. I knew he was under a lot of pressure with the upcoming tournament, not to mention his parents' divorce and the upcoming move—I still can't believe he's moving.

Just then, my phone lit up and I grabbed it, thinking Connor wanted to talk. He did. Just not to me.


Subject: Crappy day.

Message: So I have this idea. It goes something like this, I'm having the worst day ever, and I suspect you can help make it better.

Connor X


Subject: Interesting

Message: And how can I make it better?


Subject: As easy as 1, 2, 3

Message: Well...

1. you can tell me who you are.

2. I can drive over there right now.

3. We can pick up where we left off.

Connor XX


Subject: 4

Message: 4. Or we could just talk

Your mystery kisser XXX

There was a really long wait and I went to my computer, knowing that if he wrote back, it would probably be a long message. Meanwhile, I surreptitiously looked out my window to see what Connor was doing. I could just make out the top of his shoulders and it looked like he, too, was sitting at his computer. He was typing something. I waited for what felt like forever.

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