Chapter 24 (Sadie)

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"You and me and a pepperoni pizza, tonight, and you know where. I have something I want to say to you. X"

I blinked a few times and stared at the note. My eyes were still sticky from sleep and I wasn't fully focused yet. When had Connor been here? And what did he want to say to me?

My heart quickened—What if it's bad? I didn't like the sound of this at all, and why did he leave me a note and not wake me? What if he'd found out that I was the mystery girl?" My phone beeped and I imagined an early morning message from Jarrod asking me if was indeed going out with him that night—why did I agree to that?

Connor: Morning. :) :) :)

I glanced out my window and saw Connor sitting with his feet dangling out of his window. He waved and smiled at me. He was acting weird. 

Connor: 🌷

I blinked at my phone a few times when the message came through. 

Sadie: Uhhh....What the hell is that?

Connor: A flower.

Sadie: Yes, I can see it's a damn flower.  But why are you sending me weird emoji flowers all of a sudden?

I rolled my eyes at him from across the lawn. 

Connor: Cos I don't have a real one right now

Sadie: What the hell are you talking about? Have you taken drugs?

Connor: It certainly feels like it.

Sadie: What?

I rushed to my window and pushed it open to get a better look at him. God, he did look like he had taken drugs. He looked all geeky and strange and had a stupid smile plastered across his face.

Sadie: Seriously, are you okay?

Connor: Never felt better in my entire life.

And then I realized, it was his tournament today and his mystery kisser had promised to be there. He was probably smiling like an idiot because he thought he was going to get a glimpse of her that day. I forced a smile and a wave, but inside, my heart broke. Another message popped onto my screen. This time it was from Brett.

Brett: Remember, she's dead and buried! And she's not a vampire. Keep her dead and forget about her. If you do, good things are bound to happen.

What was going on this morning? Why was everyone acting like they'd smoked pot?

Connor: So tonight? ;)

Semi-colon bracket?

Sadie: Seriously, are you okay? <_()*&<:&*)!

Connor: LOL. You're so funny. 😘 See you at school.

Connor climbed back into the window and gave one last wave. Frankly, I was confused. Perhaps even slightly concerned. I decide to message Brett.

Sadie: Why are you and Connor acting so weird this morning?

Brett: Mmmm, you'll just have to wait and see...

Three dots now! What the hell was going on this morning? Now I was just irritated and even more irritated when I realised that McKenzie was in rare form that morning. From the second I came downstairs, she started.

"So... you and Jarrod are just the cutest," she said in a mocking voice.

My mom looked up at me over her veganlicious latte. "Are you and Jarrod dating again? How lovely. He's such a nice boy. Good family. His father is the CEO of an investment company. Very respectable."

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