I was so nervous driving home. The closer I got to my house, the closer I got to Connor and the closer to the reality of what I'd really just done... well, technically McKenzie had done it, but it was on my behalf. With each purchase of a ticket, flight, tour and accommodation, my heart had beat faster and faster until it was a veritable high-speed train hurtling towards, towards... what?
The thought of a year without Connor felt like a lifetime. Not being able to see him every time I wanted to. Not talking to him endlessly. I wasn't totally sure how I was going to cope, but I knew it was the right thing to do.
When we pulled into the driveway that evening, it was already getting dark and I willed myself not to look at Connors house—That lasted all of 30 seconds. His light wasn't on, which meant he wasn't in his room—Where could he be on a Friday night?
I tried to shake off the terrible feeling that maybe he was still mad at me. How was I going to apologize to him? And if that worked out, how was I then going to tell him that I would be gone the next year? As we grabbed our bags from the car, I felt my stomach lurch and I thought I was about to lose it a little, until I felt McKenzie's arm around me.
"What do you say? Movie night tonight?" She asked.
"I don't really feel like going out."
"Me neither. I'm talking about you and me in my room with our stash and some chick flicks all night."
"Oh God, please don't make me watch click flicks"
"Sadie." She stopped me from walking away. "You have seriously missed out on feminine guidance over the years. We need to make up for lost time, or else you're a lost cause. I have much to teach you."
I smiled, "Like what?"
"Um... like how to put on mascara for starters!
I laughed and we walked arm in arm toward the house. But when we got to the front door, it was my turn to freeze. An envelope was taped to the door, and it was in Connor's hand writing.
"Shit!" I took a step back, too frightened to approach and certainly way too frightened to open the envelope and read it.
My mother shouldered past us, went up to the door and ripped the envelope off. "This is a polished mahogany door, not a street pole to put pamphlets on." She tisked and put the thing in my hands and then walked in.
I opened the envelope with shaky hands and gestured for McKenzie to read it with. me.
For the last ten years you've taken me on many adventures. Now it's your turn, and since I know how much you enjoy a good one....
1. The Halloween dare that I was too shit scared to do.
Connor X
I turned the note over to see if anything else was written on it that could explain what it meant, then handed it to McKenzie who took a closer look.
"It's the big romantic gesture," she said with a knowing smile. Clearly, this was another one of those 'girl-things' I wasn't aware of.
"What should I do?"
"You should go!" she said, excitedly. "You have to."
I suddenly felt guilty. I was about to leave her again for Connor. "No, I can't. I'm not ditching our movie night for Connor, I'm not doing that again. We have plans." I put my arm through hers and started walking us towards the front door. McKenzie pulled against my arm.

The Trouble with Kissing Connor
HumorSadie's secretly in love with her best friend Connor. When the lights go off at a party, she kisses him in the dark. The next day, Connor enlists her help to find his mystery kisser. Sadie is stuck in the middle, will she ever be able to tell him ho...