*Twenty Four*

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When Taehyung woke up the next morning, Jin already left. He checked his phone to see if the older sent him his usual morning message, like he used to, but there's none.

The other side of his bed felt so empty. His heart twist with dread, a familiar feeling he had years ago.

He still can't grasp what occured last night. He only knew Jin was kissing him passionately until he stopped. He looked so terrified that's why he insisted to hug the older despite his protests. And now, he left.

Taehyung sighed. He lazily get up from his bed to take a shower.

He took his time taking a bath while he let his mind get bombarded with different thoughts. He's trying his best not to overthink but he's losing the battle against his own mind.

He felt lost because he didn't know if Jin was mad at him and what he could do to make him feel better.

A knock pulled him back to reality.

"Taehyungie? Are you inside?"

His heart leaped when he heard Jin's voice.

He haven't left yet?

Taehyung rushed to open the door, not caring if the only thing covering his naked body is a thin bathrobe.

Jin's eyes widened when his gaze landed on the younger's body. The older quickly turned and covered his eyes.

"Ya! Put on some clothes first" Jin scolded the younger but Taehyung is not listening. He pulled the older to keep him from leaving. He buried his face on Jin's wide back to hide his tears.

"I thought you left me.."


The pain in Taehyung's voice broke Jin's heart. He felt guilty for what he did last night but he can't bear the possibility of him hurting the younger in any way possible. He was so afraid of the monster inside him and whatever it was capable of.

He turned to hug the younger properly. "I promised that I won't leave you right?"

Taehyung nodded with a pout. "But I thought you're mad at me"

"I'm not mad at you" Jin cupped the younger's cheeks. He badly wanted to erase that pout with a kiss but he stopped himself.

"It's my fault. I should've not let my emotions get ahead of me"

Taehyung shook his head. "I-if you're talking about our kiss, I-I actually like it" he mumbled the last part while a blush was painted his cheeks.

Jin shook his head stubbornly. He didn't know how to explain to the younger that what he had in mind last night was more than just a kiss. He wanted to make love to Taehyung. He almost took his innocence. And Jin didn't know if he will ever be deserving of that honor.

"We should avoid any kind of intimacy from now on. I don't want to taint you in any way"


Jin cut his words. "Please?"

"How about goodnight kisses?" The younger asked innocently.

"W-we could do that"

"Okay" Taehyung agreed sadly.


Taehyung didn't push the topic but he knew there's more to it than what Jin was letting him know.

The entire breakfast went normally because Jin acted as if nothing happened. He's still attentive to his every need but true to his words, he avoided touching him the whole time.

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