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despite having slept at one am, renjun woke up early. he looked at his alarm, that displayed in a glowing red, '04:18AM'. he tried to go back to sleep, but after what seemed to be an hour, he gave up. he sighed, when he saw that less than twenty minutes had passed.

he got up, exited his bedroom, and entered the bathroom. he washed his face, brushed his teeth, then got out.

he went in the kitchen, and made himself a coffee. he walked to the living room, clutching his mug, as he usually did, and sat on the couch.

he turned on the tv. he didn't want to watch it, and doubted that they would air something interesting, at this hour. he changed chanel multiple times, until he fell on kbs, that was airing the drama 'gracious revenge'. he wasn't watching it, but it made time pass.

what he wanted the most, at the moment, was to call donghyuck, and explain to him the situation. he somewhat adopted a kid, and was mildly freaking out about it, even though he tried to keep it inside.

he thought that donghyuck must be sleeping, at this time, so he didn't call him. maybe he could wait a few more hours.

after some minutes, though, he gave up. he had wanted to call before sleeping, and now he couldn't wait anymore. he needed to tell donghyuck, and be reassured about it. well, donghyuck would probably judge (and maybe scold) him more than anything, but he would also be of some help, so renjun didn't mind.

beside, it wasn't like he couldn't take a nap later on, through the day.

renjun decided to send a text first.


injunie 💛

hyuck, are you awake ?

hyuckieeee~ i need your help, wake up


yah lee haechan -_-


as he wasn't getting any response, renjun exited his chats with donghyuck, and opened the calling application. donghyuck's contact was the only one in his recents, but also in his favorite ; though he had less than ten contacts in his list.

he called the number, and put the apparel on his ear, bouncing his leg as he waited. he got no answer, so he called again. he was determined to talk to donghyuck and tell him everything now.

this time, donghyuck picked up, at the fourth ring.

"oh my God, who would call at this fucking hour ?" he grumbled, sleep obvious in his voice.

"uh... it's me, hyuckie."

as he was still in a sleeping trance, donghyuck didn't recognize who it was.

"well, 'me' doesn't tell me anything about your identity. i am 'me' too !"

donghyuck was such an ass, when he just woke up.

"haechanie, i'm-"

"renjun ?" he exclaimed, finally recognizing who it was.

it was all thanks to the nickname. renjun was the one who decided 'haechan' as a nickname, hence was the only one to call him this way.

miracles in december // renmin (hiatus) Where stories live. Discover now