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they walked in silence until the ice cream shop. jaemin enjoyed it, stealing some glances at renjun every once and then. about renjun, he was uncomfortable, as always. he wished jaemin would say something, it would really make the atmosphere feel less heavy. at the same time, he liked it, when he didn't have to talk, cause he knew he would feel to awkward to give correct replies.

in fact, he wanted jaemin to tell something, and he would just listen. that was the kind of situation he could handle.

they arrived at the shop, and jaemin opened the door for renjun, who thanked him with such a small voice, that he wasn't sure jaemin had heard. he had, though, and simply smiled.

when he took his first step inside, renjun's eyes met with donghyuck's. he widened his eyes ; what would donghyuck think, seeing him here with jaemin, after he repeated over and over how he disliked him, and found him weird ? he hoped his friend wouldn't make any assumption about how maybe renjun started to appreciate the pink haired. deep down, renjun knew it was the case, but he didn't want to admit it.

jisung had seen him, too, and smiled widely. he was about to wave at him, but donghyuck stopped him, and told him something. jisung looked confused, but nodded, and got up, after donghyuck did. renjun assumed he had told him to not be noticed, and go, and that he'll explain later, or something like this.

renjun was grateful. it would have felt really awkward, to be in the same place as them, with jaemin.

since jaemin led renjun to order, donghyuck and jisung walked fast behind them, and to the door.

"what do you want ?" jaemin asked happily.

"hm ? oh, um... nothing, i- it's okay."

"what do you mean, 'nothing, it's okay' ? no no, i didn't bring you here to eat alone." he pouted. "you accepted to come eat with me, why don't you want, now ?"

renjun shouldn't have, but he felt bad. jaemin looked upset, and he didn't like that. he wished he didn't, but he cared for the boy's feelings.

sighing, he nodded his head. "you're right, i did accept. then... i'll take chocolate."

jaemin smiled. "okay ! wait, there's a bunch of different chocolate, which one do you want ?"

"if there's dark chocolate, i'll take it, if not, i'll take the regular one."

"got it." he nodded, then turned toward the young lady, waiting to take their order. "hello !" he greeted, with a smile.

she smiled back. "hello. what would you like ?"

"is there dark chocolate, please ?"

"yes, there is."

"one scoop, please."

"in cone, or bucket ?"

"renjun ?" jaemin looked at him.

"cone, please."

the girl nodded. "and what else ?"

"i'll take cookie and cream, in cone too, please."

she nodded again, and proceeded to make the ice creams. after they took it, jaemin told renjun to go and sit, while he would quickly pay, and join him. renjun went, and took donghyuck and jisung's previous place.

jaemin came back, and sat across from him. renjun tried to avoid his gaze, by looking at the ice cream in his hands. he was feeling jaemin's eyes on him, so he looked up.

jaemin was looking at renjun, while the latter was playing with his spoon and ice cream scoop. he looked adorable. jaemin couldn't believe someone like him actually existed, in the human world.

miracles in december // renmin (hiatus) Where stories live. Discover now