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Chapter 1

Madison also known as Maddy, carefully places one last piece of tape, on the wrapping paper. Glancing at the door  every few seconds, before doing  a  final check, that the box, wrapped with golden gift paper, looked perfect. Hiding the small, newly wrapped box underneath her bed, she smiled, at the thought of giving the gift to her boyfriend. Evan's eighteenth birthday party is tommorow evening. His parents, ma Rose and her aunty and uncle, are all currently on a European tour, so Maddy and Lee is making the party arrangements. They have an epic pool party planned, for tommorow evening at Evan's home. Madison saved all the money that she had from working at Mr. Smith's butchery throughout the year, to buy Evan the perfect gold watch, engraved with the message "forever yours, Maddy".She smiled nervously, Maddy is also planning to give Evan another gift for his birthday. She closed her eyes trying to imagine what it would be like but shakes her head, giggling nervously, biting her lips. She hoped that once they become lovers, taking that final plunge into adulthood, their relationship will be cemented in something more permanent. These last two years were magical and they have been dating since they were sixteen and now they were both finished with high school. A new chapter is starting, with both of them going away to university. Evan is going to bust into the room, any moment now, groaning and moaning about girls, taking forever, just to put on a dress. She glanced at her dressing room mirror making sure that her long thick wavy dark brown hair is still behaving.Her caramel coloured skin glowed with good health. Faintly tilted eyes, looked more mysterious with dark eye liner.Ready for their normal friday night date with her white t shirt and denim shorts. "I  am done." she shouted opening her bedroom door. She waited until she could hear familiar footsteps.

She takes a deep breath appreciating the smell of his aftershave. He always smelled like a mix of cinnamon and lemon, it was the best fragrance in the world, somehow it was sexier, than the smell of the most expensive men's perfume. Dark curly hair, just long enough to run your fingers through, was effortlessly tousled on his head. There was  a all too familiar, distracted, look on his gorgeous face, as he did'nt bother to look at her he was fixated on his phone.Lately, that was all he seemed to care about. Frustrated, Maddy counted to ten and suddenly, she stood on her tippy toes, to kiss away, all the  fear that she carries in her heart, her biggest fear being, that Evan has outgrown them.He tries to resist, but the desperate passion in Maddy's kiss, leaves him unable to think and he is lost in her familiar sweet blend of innocence and desire. Consumed, he kisses back.His kisses become more aggressive and he lifts her, lying down on top of her on her childhood bed. Maddy pulls him closer feeling the familiar ache of wanting, more than kisses. Evan leaves a trail of hot kisses on her shoulders trailing a path to her breasts. She takes of his t-shirt hungry to put her mouth on his chest. Her hands go to his pants. He puts his hand on hers gently  stopping her. Feeling dizzy with desire, she groans angrily, protesting. "Maddy, we have to stop."He said out of breath, he gently put his forehead against hers moaning." Baby girl,our first time must be special.You deserve more than your first time being on your childhood bed. "She smiled, coming back from the fog of the all consuming fire that is always burning within her, from wanting Evan." Fine," she pouted. Maddy also wanted their first time to be special and a moment that will be worthy of true love.

"Where are we going for our date night" Maddy asked casually trying to distract her body from vibrating with desire. "Well, Lee invited us to his barbecue,Evan said looking at Maddy questioningly. Maddy wrinkled her nose. Lee Matthews is their self appointed annoying shared  older cousin/brother. Evan's mother and Lee's dad were siblings. Lee's mom Aunty Mary is Grandma Rose's stepdaughter by marriage so that made Lee her sort of cousin. Lee  is a tech genius, who designed an application, that allows faster instant messaging. Only twenty years old and he is already a multi millionaire with his own car, house and business. What made the existence of someone like Lee Matthews even worse is the fact that, yes ladies and gentlemen, Lee was totally hot. We are talking international models throws themselves at Lee, hot. Lee has piercing light green eyes, caramel coloured skin and is an exercise freak. His dark brown hair is always cut very short,military style. Maddy is probably the only female on the planet with the exception of Ouma Rose that is not part of the Lee Matthews fan club. Ma Rose is a borderline case and alternates between blind adoration and motherly scorn when Lee behaves like a savage. Lee has always been #blessed which is why Maddy found him extra annoying. Ma Rose raised Maddy and Lee together. Aunt Mary entrusted raising Lee to Ma Rose knowing that Ma Rose would raise him with good old fashioned values. Aunty Mary is corporate attorney working for one of the biggest banks in South Africa.Uncle Charles, Lee's dad, is a forensic investigator for a special crime unit, so they were always working long hours and that is why Lee practically lived with Ma Rose. Lee is lucky though. They would spend every spare moment  they had with him. His parents are good peoples, the best kind. Aunty Mary, treated Maddy her stepsister's daughter, like her own. Maddy's mom abandoned her when she was four.Just left her with Ma Rose one day and never came back for her little girl. Maddy could still remember sitting on the steps outside the kitchen, crying and waiting for her mommy. Lee's parents have been so good to Maddy, even paying for Maddy to attend private school with Evan and Lee. Although Lee is two years older than them. He always looked out for them.

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