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Chapter 3

Side effect 1:Self hatred

Lee walks into the bathroom and switches on the light.His insomnia has been going on for a few months. The house is very quiet. All the party guests are fast asleep.It was a hell of a party. Lee needs to get some rest. Which meant taking, some sleeping pills. Something feels wrong though. He walks towards his medicine cabinet. He realises that the medicine cabinet door is already open. The small bottle filled with his sleeping pills, are not in the medicine cabinet. He looks  for it on the ground, seeing the empty bottle.A strange feeling if something being very wrong consumes him. The sound of water moving alerts him and he see's the bath, filled with water that looks red. "What the fuck..... He walks closer, looking at the still figure, lying slumped to one side.His eyes widen, when he realises, that the figure lying so perfectly still, is Maddy. Her hair is flowing in the water, around her.She looks like a she is fast asleep, except he couldn't see if she was breathing. Lee feels his heart rate increasing rapidly, wildly, the air suddenly becomes unbearably hot. "Fuck, Maddy".He lifts up her left wrist following the trail of blood, the cuts on her arm look deep but fresh. He puts his forehead, just beneath her mouth and feels the slight air of breathing. Lee sighs relieved, at the sign of some life. He lifts her up and runs out carrying, the dripping wet still figure and shouting in the corridor. "Someone, phone the ambulance. He begins to feel the panic setting in,as he lays her down, on his bed.Evan rushes into the room looking at the figure." Maddy! he screams like a mad man.

Suddenly they hear the sound of sirens, outside the house. Two ambulance men, rush with a gurney into the house. Pushing through the crowd, that suddenly gathered, inside the house. Left over party guests, from the night before. Curious about the sudden drama. The ambulance men lift her on the gurney, as quickly as possible and run out of the house to load her in the ambulance."What happened? One of the ambulance man, asked Lee,just as they finished loading her, into the ambulance vehicle." I think she took a whole bottle of my sleeping pills. There were twenty in the bottle ,now there is none."We are taking her to Saint Luke's." the ambulance man shouts, as they rush, driving away quickly, to get her to the hospital. Evan is crying, moaning "Maddy" repeatedly. "I did this to her," he said distraught. Lee takes Evan to the small fountain, in the quiet corner, of his garden. "Tell me, everything now." Lee said, with a serious frown marring, his handsome face. "She saw me with Jade." I wanted to beg her, for..." Evan struggle's to finish the sentence."Her forgiveness, but she wanted to..." he bowed, his head looking at the ground, unable for a moment, to admit to his cousin, the complete twisted actions, that drove Maddy, to attempt, to take her own life. "Evan just tell me," Lee said trying to stay calm. "She saw us. I was busy with Jade in the guest bedroom and she caught us." He admitted looking ashamed. "There is more," Lee said "Maddy and I... We... you know. Lee feels the furious anger boil inside him.He closes in on Evan, shoving him.Slowly saying each word." ARE YOU TELLING ME....he doesn't bother to complete the sentence because Evan is unable to look at him. He takes his fist and hits Evan, watching Evan fall to the ground. Evan doesnt retaliate, he just sits there looking helpless After a few seconds. Lee sits down next to Evan. His anger simmering. Life was so unfair. The last person, that deserves any heartbreak, is Madeleine King. She must have been devastated, when she realized, that Evan was cheating. "I told you to break it off with Jade or let Maddy go." Lee snarled angrily. "I was confused Jade is... I couldn't stay away. Maddy is my forever how can i let her go," Evan shrugged. "Please oh God let her be okay," Evan said.

"If she makes it. You have to leave her alone. She can come and stay with me.Grandma Rose's is only coming back from her European tour, with mom and dad in the middle of January. I dont want to spoil the old girl's fun," Lee said, his tone making it crystal clear that this is what is best for everyone. " I have to see her and try to explain... Evan pleaded. "What do you want to explain. You have been cheating on her since last year.Maddy doesn't need to know that." Evan looked at the determination on his cousin's face and realized, that it was pointless trying to convince Lee, that there is another way to handle this. Lee has always been protective of Maddy and Ma Rose and in fact told Evan to be careful with Maddy's heart."Fine,Evan finally agreed.

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