Chapter Four

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I feel Demis soft lips on mine. The huge contrast between her warm lips and the cold lockers against my back. My hands wander from her back to her neck and I push her deeper into the kiss. Her right hand in my hair, her left a little above my butt I seem to loose my mind. *diiiiiing* The bell rings and Demi breaks away with a shocked expression on her face. We both breath heavy from the kiss. Doors open and pupils stream into the hallway. I look at Demi not sure how to feel about what happened especially after she looked really frightened as we released each other. To my surprise she smiles at me. "Maybe we should go on a date since we already kissed and I'm not the type for wild, random kiss orgys without first dates." I start to laugh. "Yeah we definitely should cause you basically attacked me and I'm not the type for that without a first date." Demi bursts out laughing. "Then I suggest that you give me your number and I'll call you?" She hands me her mobile. I type my number. She takes her phone back and looks in my eyes. "It will be an honor for me to take you out Sarah." With this words she turns around and leaves.
From one end of the hallway Mia runs up to me. "What the hell is going on between you two? Demi left the cafeteria right after you disappeared. And don't you try to lie, I saw that you had her phone." I laugh because Mia has this really crazy look that demands to tell her everything to prevent her from torturing me to gain informations. "Well, I think that we'll go on a date." I say and act like it doesn't really matter to me. But right after I can't hold in that huge smile that grew from my heart. "Oh my god Mia, she's so gorgeous! And a really good kisser." Mias eyes grow big. "Wait what? You already kissed? And you'll go on a date?" I grin at her. "I don't know what was going on. Can you believe it?" Mia starts to open her mouth right in that moment as an mechanic voice starts to say. "All students meet in 10 minutes in the assembly hall. We're proud to announce that Demi Lovato is at our school today. She's going to hold a speech about bullying." We make our way towards the assembly hall. There's some tension between Mia and I, I know she wants to know more but I guess this has to wait. As we arrive most of the free seats in the assembly hall are already taken. Ali and the others from our group wave at us so that we see where they sit. We make our way through the crowd and I catch a glimpse of Demi standing at one side of the stage they built up temporary. She smiles at something one of the teachers said and a light feeling of jealousy burns in my stomach which is just awkward.
Demi enters the stage and suddenly the noise disappears abruptly. Before she says a single word she looks in the crowd for a few seconds. "I'm here today because my little sister started to attend this school today. I'm here today because I want this to be a safe place, not only for my sister but also for every single one of you. I want this school to be a safe haven for every person. No one should be afraid to go to school. Bullying is not something simple. It consists of many layers, from the side of the victim as well as from the side of the offender...." and she starts talking about reasons of the victims and that it's the better option to react with kindness cause everyone fights a battle we don't know about. She also says that it's important to react and to help the victim cause otherwise they'll blame themselves. She says a lot about what to do, how to help and everyone is speechless. There's so much passion.
At the end the whole crowd gives her standing ovations and claps.
Our group leaves the school after her speech still discussing about what she told us. I'm a little bit pissed that I didn't get a chance again to talk to her.
As I turn to Mias car I get a text.
"I'm thinking of your lips. Can I pick you up at 8pm? Demi"
I reply with a simple "Yes." and my street name.
8pm comes way too fast.

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