Chapter Three

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All together we sit on a table in the cafeteria and have lunch. Madison on my left, Mia on my right and Demi right in front of me. The others of our group constantly look at me due to the fact that I act really awkward. When Demi looks at someone else, I study her face. I've never seen someone that beautiful. All the freckles around her nose are so damn cute and make her look really natural. The way her brown hair flows over her shoulders and ends a little over her breast. (At this point I could mention her boobs...god...)
But what really gets me are her soft brown eyes and her smile. Whenever our eyes meet I feel shivers going down my body leaving me confused and with desire for Demi's perfect lips. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel confusion because I'm attracted to a girl - I know (and everybody else knows) that I'm a lesbian and I had several girlfriends and flings but I never felt such an attraction to someone especially not when I don't really know them. That's why I'm confused - I'm afraid of my of my own feelings at the moment. I am afraid of me. And I'm afraid of Demi. But still I can't stop looking at her. And I just can't understand why nobody else on the table was disturbed by her presence and her unbelievable smile.
There's a discussion going on that I can't follow cause my thoughts are all blurred and full of pictures of Demi.
"Sarah, you're in, right?" Everybody looks at me. I can't even say who asked me. I think it was Ali. In the attempt to cover the fact that I didn't get a single word of the conversation I respond "Ehm I don't know, I mean I'm not sure."
Ali looks at me with disbelief. "You don't know if you're going to Steve's party? Since when? You're talking about it almost every day?"
"Ehm...yeah there came...a thing up. I don't know if I'm finished by the time the party starts." My face probably looks more like I'm asking a question. Seeking for help I look at Mia. "Yeah she promised me to look after my little brother cause I'm out on a date with Lucas." Thankfully I squeeze her hand under the table. Ali raises an eyebrow which usually means "Really? I know you're lying!" but she drops the subject.
While the other ones talk about something else, I glance at Demi who has watched me for a while. We look right into the others eyes and I'm not able to take my eyes off her. For something like a minute we just stare at each other and the whole world seems to run slower. I can hear my breath that speeds up, my heart that beats quickly, even the blood which rushes through my body. Then she smiles at me and I wish I could freeze this moment. That smile, her smile, which was only for me at that moment.
I jump off my seat like somebody punched me. Everyone on the table looks at me as if I'm acting like some crazy bitch (what I probably do). "I think I'm sick to my stomach. I need fresh air." I whisper before I run off towards the cafeteria's exit. As soon as I'm out of there I try to sort my mind. What's going on? Why does she have that much impact on me and my body?
More slowly I walk towards the girls bathroom. Inside I check if someone's in there before I turn to the sinks. I look at my face in the mirror critically. I got a few red spots like always when I'm stressed out. I splash cold water at my checks and instantly feel much better. My fingers begin to relax. After five more minutes I make my way out of the bathroom. Right in front of me stands Demi who looks concerned. "Is everything alright with you? You seemed to want to get pretty fast out off there."
"Ehm yeah don't worry, I'm fine. I just didn't feel well."
Demi nods and bites her bottom lip just a little bit but my eyes instantly wander to her mouth. In the attempt to cover it up that I was starring at her lips I look to the ground.
"God, don't look away!" She takes a step towards me and I just stand there completely frowned and hold my breath. "I have to kiss you" Demi whispers with desire in her voice and puts her hand gently on my neck. One second later I find myself leaning on the lockers, my hands on Demis back, her soft lips on mine. I inhale her strawberry taste as I let her tongue enter.

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