Chapter 2: This Disguise

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Kenth P.O.V.

I woke up the next day after the horrible incident. There was a huge headache like pain going through my brain. I groaned. Slowly, I fell of the bed opening my eyes slowly, staring at the white ceiling.

"Another day..." I mumbled and stood up straight, stretching my tight muscles a few times as usual. I walked towards my private bathroom and stared at my reflection of the mirror.

"Shit... How am I suppose to cover this...?" I wondered as I pulled some of my blonde hair strands. It was thin and soft like a baby's hair. A small sigh came out of my mouth as I stared at my red moving eyes. It was cool how they are red and slowly moving like a lava lamp.

"Wonder how I will explain this to my parents..." I mumbled and quickly brushed my white teeth and brushed my new hair back to a low pony tail.

As I opened the dresser, I noticed something. My hands were paler than I thought. Usually, I was pretty tan from all the swimming class I had to take for PE two years ago. Maybe people would wonder if I had some kind of a surgery to fix these tans. I ignored the paleness and took a plain shirt, black skinny jeans, socks and a black hoodie. Even though the weather was going to be pretty hot, it didn't really matter to me. My whole body was cold even when I had a thick blanket on the whole night.

I quickly put on my 'amazing' outfit and walked over to the mirror again. A small sigh escaped when I stared at myself. My eyes and the paleness still showed on my face and hands. Then I remembered I have a pair of sunglasses I have gotten as a gift from my grandad. I quickly put it on and pretty much it worked. Now, the only problem is these paleness.

"Whatever I'll think of something..." I ran down stairs with my backpack and hurried to the kitchen for my breakfast.

"Kenth? What are you wearing?" A voice asked from behind as I quickly glanced back, seeing my mother with a confused looked. "Sweetie! Why are you so pale!" She panicked and so did I. Then I remembered I had powers now. The demon had showed me this once trick where you can make someone believe what they have.

"We need to call the doctor.." Her mother quickly walked over to our house phone. I raised my hand towards her and she froze.

"The heck did I do to my mom..." I just stared at her. It's like she was stopped by a time. Now all I have to do is say what I want. "Make her believe that... Umm.. I have uhhh disease...?" I said a bit confused on what kind of disease I would make an excuse of. My mother moved again and looked at the phone confused.

"Why am I holding the phone...? Oh yes!" My mom pressed some buttons and I sighed nervously. Great. "Hello? My daughter has this weird disease from the sun.... No it is not contagious, our doctor had told us she is allowed to go to school." I just stared at her with an opened mouth. No way...

Few minutes later, my mother hangs up the phone and smiles at me.

"Hurry up and eat. Your almost late to school dear." She said and walked off. I quietly nod and takes my sandwich and leaves my house. I can already see the sun shinning above me as I groaned. I just hate the sun sometimes. It's like being cooked by it.

[ Few minutes later... ]

I arrive to the school grounds and already, kids were staring at me. Probably wondering who is this kid or why is he/she wearing that..? I ignored their state as I continued to walk. As always, I go to where my group hangs out before class begins and of course, they were staring at me.

Naho, who was my best friend, stared at me blinking a few times.

"Kenth? Is that you?" She asked titling her head slightly.

"Yeah it's me. I know this outfit looks stupid..." I sighed feeling embarrassed.

"Why are you... Are we even allowed to wear sunglasses..?" Naho looked over at the others who just shrugged. "What happened..?" So many questions which are hard to answer.

"W-well umm I have this weird thing where I can't really be... Umm... Revealed by the sun..?" I answered nervously.

"You answered my question with a question you know..." She chuckled slightly as I laughed nervously. "Anyways, hope you feel better."

"Yeah... Hope..." I replied. I loved Naho for so long. She's always kind and nice towards me. Best friend forever.

"Eh this new look suits you more..." Someone said from behind me. I looked back to see one of my other friends, Kaoru. The boy had pale blonde hair which was pretty long for a guy and unique looking green eyes that you cannot resist to look away from. Kaoru also had piercing around both ears which kind of surprised me but whatever. He can do whatever the heck he wanted.

"Thank you very much..." I answered sarcastically and looked away from him. This guy is always cold towards people and I am not sure why. Just wish he would turn back to normal back in middle school. The boy who always smiled, always had that charm, and the guy I've first dated.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2014 ⏰

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