Chapter one

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My eyes flutter open to the blinding light of the overhanging light above the cold operating table. I try to move my hands to find them once again strapped to the table. Big surprise. The usual routine: vitamin shot, indoor testing, eat, sleep, repeat. You'd think a feather freak like me would get used to it but every time that needle comes out I can't help but flinch and start breathing quicker. You never know if you've done something wrong and this shot could be your last. I'd like to think that the whitecoats would get rid of us like that. No one really knows what happened to the "failed" experiments. Just another empty cage.
I've zoned out so much I forgot about the possibly lethal injection that's going in my forearm. By the time I look up, a white coat already has sticky the prick in me, pushing the plunger with the mysterious liquid. I quickly jolted, getting a look from the other whitecoats. Oh no. I'm fine. God I hope they don't think something's wrong. I see one roll his eyes behind his glasses and they go back to filling more vials. That was close.
After a small bandaid, they take unlatch the straps and shove me on back to my cage, the medium size Canine Camper. I crawl in as they lock the door, leaving the room. I let out a long sigh before hearing a familiar voice.
"Max? Are you ok?"
I look over to see Angel in the cage next to mine, her little blonde curls flattened from sleeping on her side.
"It's ok Angel. Just the same routine shot. But I think today is the day they'll take us outside for flight tests."
Her face lights up, her beautiful blue eyes widening. "Really?! I can't wait. I really want to fly Max"
"Me too Angel. Me too"
A few hours go by before a pair of whitecoats come in and let us out of our cages and lead us through a series of doors and hallways before a large set of double doors swing open, the breeze blowing in my face. I see the sun. I can't remember when was the last time I saw the sun. Then again when every day is the same as the last you start to loose a concept of time. As we walk behind one whitecoat and in front of the other I take in my surroundings. It's a field about the size of a soccer field with a large iron fence with barbed wire separates it from the endless forest.
"Stand over there". The whitecoat, a woman with long black hair pulled back in a ponytail points to a spray painted line in the grass. Angel and I do as she's told as the other, a guy with curly blonde hair holds a clipboard, scribbling their normal science gibberish.
"Ok experiment 9 and 11 of the avian project. Testing on flight and wing resistance"
I couldn't help it. My big mouth is gonna one day get me killed.
"My name is Max. Not experiment 9."
His eyes widened and bulged out if his head to a point I thought they were going to pop out. The black haired woman speaks up.
"Sir I thought the experiments weren't capable of speech"
"N-neither did I. They must have adapted and picked it up off of us. I suppose we should alert the executives about this". He scribbles some more on his clipboard. Not gonna say it. Comeon Max don't say anything. Don't...
"Oh please. You wish I learned how to speak from you. If I did I probably wouldn't be able to fight back and forth with you as much as I could."
Dammit. Why today of all days did I have to choose to be a smartass. The whitecoat simply narrowed his eyes and looked back to his companion. Well I certainly have a new member of the "Max Haters club". The two white coats stood to the side of us the woman speaking up again.
"We don't have knowledge of learning to fly so you two will learn on your own. Get a running start and try."
Angel could barely contain herself. The second she finished her sentence she snapped out her beautiful, 5 foot long, pure white wings and took off to a quick sprint for a good ten seconds before flapping them a couple of times and jumping into the air. She stayed afloat 3 feet above the ground.....for about 5 seconds before she lost balance and toppled on the grass. The whitecoats didn't say a word or go to help her up. They simply wrote notes on their clipboards before calling
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a few moments, feeling the breeze between my fingers before I extend my 14 foot white and speckled brown wings and start running. I ran longer than Angel, building up speed before I jump and at the same time push my wings downward. I made it higher in the air, about 7 feet and was able to glide forward until I had to flap again. I fell to the ground in a similar fashion as Angel and look up at her, wiping the grass out of my face. At this moment I see that there's a small hole in the fence about the size for a large dog. You couldn't ask for a better moment. Outside, no security, acres of trees to loose anyone that could possibly go looking for us. I'd be stupid not to take it. I look over to Angel again, motioning my eyes to the hole and she gives a small nod. Our silence was broken by the man.
"Ok you two. Up up. Do it again."
Angel and I rose up practically in unison and seconds after I yell with every ounce of my being "RUN!"

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