Chapter Two

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My chest pumps with air as I sprint as fast as i can, flapping my wings for some extra speed towards the hole. With every step my eyes grow wider, filled with excitement as I grow hungrier for freedom. I'm about 5 feet from the hole when I hear Angel scream and immediately after a large body pushes me over and tackles me to the ground. My hair is in my eyes but while I shake it free I see the face of an eraser as he pins my hands to the ground, his knee digging into my stomach. Erasers were the whitecoats attempt at making werewolves real. God knows why but they're mainly used as security here. The Eraser looked down and snarled at me.
"Hello Max. Long time no see." Did it just talk? Did it just say my name? Erasers are made so young that they aren't even capable of speaking. The time usually spent teaching a kid to speak these guys were being taught to rip out people's throats. "Do I know you? God I hope not"
"Oh come on Max. Don't you remember,". He leaned closer to my ear. "Cage mate." My eyes widened with shock. "Ari? What did they do to you?" Ari was a whitecoats son. He was only 7 so he didn't have an idea about how bad everything his dad was doing. I would always see him running around through the lab past rows and rows of tortured children. I don't know what it was about me but he would hang out with me right outside of my cage when I didn't have any tests. He taught Angel and I how to speak and those little hand clapping games. He was so small but look at him now. They turned him into a monster.
"Look whose using her bird brain for once. what's wrong Max, was I not that important to you? To busy trying to escape than to care about the one person who for some time valued your pathetic life."
"What would it matter if I remembered you or not? It wouldn't have prevented what they did to you."
Ari made a sly grin. "Well it would matter now. If you were still on my good side I could put a word in with my old man to go easy on your punishment for trying to escape. But....oh well. You had your chance." Ari pulled me to my feet and pinned my arms behind my back as he started to walk me back. The two whitecoats held Angel back from running to my side and she began to cry. No one makes my baby cry. I elbowed Ari in the ribs and ran back, my arms open for her. "Ange-." I feel the cold sting of a syringe in my neck. I look over and its Ari, his sly grin as he pushes the plunger and I fall to the ground as the world fades around me and the last thing I hear is Angels sweet voice calling my name.

I wake up again in a familiar place. Ah the surgical table. Cold, heartless surgical table. I look down and....yep cant move my arms or my legs or my.....wings? I see to either side of me the whitewoats extended the table and outstretched each of my wings, strapping them to the table. Oh god, they wouldnt. As a whitecoat turns around my face drains. Scissors. As they get closer I start to struggle, trying to free my wings. Two more whitecoats come and pin them down. "No please dont!" Before I could plead anymore I heard the first snip and with that i went limp and watched them take away my ability they spent over 14 years creating. They clipped my wings. 

Not sure why it says that this never got published. Agh now im technically a week behind. Well two chapters this week i suppose. :3

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