9 " I believe i saw you?"

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As i hug her everything comes into realization, I am falling for Jade Thirlwall. I know now that all these weird feelings I have been having these past months, I'm tripped, she fucked up my mind, she is the greatest. Why do i realize this so late, if only I've known. She probably doesn't feel the same way, I doubt it. I am just her friend, I will get stuck in the friend zone. Like i know we have had multiple intimate moments and i love it but I just don't think she feels the same, I'm probably just a fling of hers.
We release from our hug and I just stand there looking at her beautiful features, her rounded lips and her cute nose, along with her big brown eyes that is shining as they look up at me. Her hair is straightened and is behind her ears, beautiful. I get snapped back into reality by Jade "Jed" "hello???" Are you good" "Jed!" She says slightly confused "oh ye sorry" I say embarrassed and smile down at her "would you like to go get a drink?" She asks and without hearing my answer she grabs my hand and drags me to the bar. My hand
Fits so well in hers, like it's hand made for her(hand made for her hand lol) As I sit
Down next to her I start thinking about ways to stop my feeling and something instantly surpasses my mind, I need to meet someone else.

Since my birthday party Jed has been acting different, rarely responding to my calls or text, being different once were actually near each other which for the record happened twice and both times I reached out to him and he didn't seem that excited.
I don't know if it was something I did or something else, but every time I bring it up he gets upset and change the subject. Since I do like him it makes me very sad to know that he definitely does not feel the same way, He haven't really said anything about it nor have I asked but just the way he is acting answers for it.

To take my occupied mind off of him and everything I figured little bit of clubbing would suite. After arranging with Perrie to head down town, I take a quick shower to freshen up and after that getting dressed in long formal trousers and a matching blazer, I do my hair and jump in the cab that we're waiting outside my building.
Me and Perrie greet each other outside the club and head inside and as soon as we enter Perrie head for the bar with me tight on her heels. Our chitchatting and drinking rudely gets interrupted by a stunning man, tanned skin, freckles, curly black hair with blond tones in it and a defined face with a maintained scuffed beard. "Hello" he says as he looked between us, before I even get the chance to reply Perrie quickly responds "Hey!". I look at Perrie shocked and by the look on her face she is as shocked as I am. "I believe i saw you a couple of months ago" the man still without a name says looking at Pez "Yes, I recall, at the airport right?" The blonde asks "indeed" he answers. "I am Alex" he says and reach out his hand, "Perrie" Pez responds and take his hand in hers and shake, Alex takes the chair besides Perrie and look at us, " may i?" He asks politely and receives a nod from Perrie. The two of them keep chatting and I just look out over the crowd beside me while drinking my Alcohol free Mojito since I decided that waking up tomorrow with a hungover and heading to the studio won't be nice nor appreciated by anyone.
In desperate need I head for the bathroom, after pushing through the crowd I make it alive, while doing my business, what I believe is a couple stumbles inside the ladies room, kissing and moaning making me uncomfortable while I peepee.
Without caring I just open the door to wash my hands and to my surprise the couple making out is a slim tall girl with black hair and

Trying to take my mind of Jade I decide that seeing someone else might stop the feelings I have towards her. During the past month or so I have been seeing different girls up until last week when I asked This girl Brenda to finally be my girlfriend, i don't love her but I guess it's just because of the short amount of time we have been seeing each other. Out of the blue she asked me to join her to club, couldn't really decline now could I.

After a couple of hours of dancing and grinding on each other we head towards the bathroom while kissing. I open the door and pull her inside, once there I pick her up on the counter, I kiss down her neck and she pulls my hair letting light moans escape from her mouth indicating that I am doing good and that she likes it. Out of nowhere the bathroom door opens and my eyes travel to the door to see, standing there looking all gorgeous in a matching suite type of thing is Jade, looking very uncomfortable and shocked at us.

I look at him shocked not knowing what to say I head for the sink not wanting to show him that I'm hurt. While I dry my hands I hear a low "Hi" released from Jed's lips. I turn around to face them and replies the same. I notice that the girl behind is touching him, a lot, like being very clingy. The girl reaches up and whisper in his ear and his eyes fixates back at me "this is Jade, she I uhm an friend I haven't seen in a while" he says and I can feel my heart starts to sink "And Jade this is Brenda she is my" there is a short paus.

is he thinking about what to say?

"She is my Girlfriend" he continues

I can feel my whole Heart break, shatter, sink, everything think able, my eyes become fussy and my vision goes worse, I realize that tears are forming.

"Cool" is all I can get out and I quickly turn around and rushes out of the bathroom, heading towards Perrie. I spot her in the same place with Alex.

"PERRIE" I yell over the loud music as I run towards her.

"Hey, where have you been?" She asked confused

"Jed is here" I say without answering her question.

"That's good talk to h-"

"With his girlfriend" I say interrupting her

"Oh" she response

"I can give you guys a ride home, I should probably leave anyways and haven't had a drink." Alex says from beside Perrie.

I nod and follow them as Alex leads the way to his car.

We soon arrive at Perrie's house and I quickly step out of the veichle making sure I thank Alex for the ride and head towards the front doors. I glance back and spot Perrie giving Alex a quick peck on the cheek
And then she steps out on the car as well and waves him off. She walks towards me and I wiggle my eyebrow and in return I get a "oh shut up" and a eyeroll and she opens the door and heads inside.

With makeup taken off as well as the outfit that now is changed into comfy pajamas I lay myself in bed, cuddling Perrie.

New fucking chapter
Like 7 months later, great updating right;)
Anywho enjoy this weird chapter

Rest In Peace Naya, Another angel we got to lend from Heaven🙏🏻🕊


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