15 jesy

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I toss my phone beside me and I hear a growl coming from the same space, and it's safe to say I got very scared.
"Holy fuck, you scared the shit out of me" I almost scream due to my adrenaline considering the fact that I had completely forgotten that he was here.

"Sorry" he says low. He proceeds to grab me by my waist and pull me in to a cuddle, unsure how to feel about I lay still.

"sam, I'm sorry but last night I-"

"I know, but let's just" he interrupt me and snuggles close to me.

"I don't want to be rude and say that I didn't feel nothing, but I don't see you like that anymore Jade" he continues

As I now know that we are on the same page it's more comfortable to relax in each other's presence.

"So what was that" Jesy says breaking the silence as we waited for our interview to begin.

"I wonder the same" Leigh states

"I honestly don't know" I say as I groan and takes my head in my hands.

"So what happened?" Perrie asked curiously

"Well we met in the bar, reminisced about old times, got drunk, danced, kissed, I told him I wanted to go to his house to pet his dog, and then we went there and just had sex" I admitted

"wow okay, how are you feeling about you guys?" Leigh asked

"from my side there wasn't any feelings" he answered

"And from his side?" Jesy asks

"He said that he didn't feel anything and that he didn't see me like that anymore" I say

"Okay, are you yet to hear from Jed?" Perrie asks carefully.

"no" I simply answer

My phone plings and I check, thinking it would be me mam thinking I am back with sam, but I was so wrong

Jed Elliot
Can we talk?

"Speaking of the devil" I laugh to the girls

I'm busy, take it over text?

Jed Elliot
I miss you

You can't leave me then say that you miss me
It don't work like that

Jed Elliot
But I do, a lot jade
And I frankly don't know why you are all sassy on me

Your fucking hilarious

Jed Elliot
What, I persuaded my dreams, you would have done the same and I know it so don't try and say otherwise

When did you know?

Jed Elliot
Like about the tour?


Jed Elliot
Like 3 weeks before

For fuck sakes Jed, you tell me you went 3 weeks without saying anything
If you hadn't fucked it up, you surely have now

Jed Elliot
I did not want to tell you, because I couldn't bare myself to do it

Bare yourself to do what exactly? Spare my heart

Jed Elliot
stop already
I saw you with a guy on the news

Aah, so that's the reason?

Jed Elliot

why you reached out in the first place
You're just jealous

Jed Elliot
Oh grow up, I'm not.

You are so, and let me inform you, it doesn't not suit you

Jed Elliot
When can I see you

Wow straight to the point
I am free tomorrow...

Jed Elliot
I'll fly out tonight.

You can't just fly across the world to see me

Jed Elliot
Watch me.

This is short
I just wanted to let you guys now that I know right now that we all are heartbroken. We need to stand together.

Jesy will always be apart of little mix. She will forever have my support and hopefully yours.
This is though and I wish her all the best and all the love in the world. She stood up for what was right and made me believe in myself, made me accept who I am, made me love myself. It's a long way to go to be where I want to be but she has played a big part in where I am and where I am heading.

This is not a goodbye jesy
This is a good luck jesy

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