First Two Classes.

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I walked into room 161 to find a seating chart up on the overhead. Great.. Thanks Mr. Owens.. I just love seating charts. (Notice the Sarcasm). To make that even better, My seat is in the first row next to Mr. Owens desk. I hate front row. I feel like I would be the one that the teacher would call on. I moved over to my seat and sat down.

As the bell rang for first period to begin, I looked around to see if I knew anyone in here. Thankfully my friend Emma and Mike were. I don't think I will get much time to talk to them, but it's good to know that I have them. I turned back around and faced the front when Mr. Owens began to speak.

"Good Morning Class! And Welcome Back! The first thing I will be handing back to you will be your class supplies. The only thing that you need are notebooks to keep your things in, paper, and something to write with. Once everyone gets there supplies sheets I will then hand out your class rules and information." He paused for a while and started to pass out all of the papers. Once all of the students received a paper he began to speak again. "OK, in about five minutes the bell will ring and dismiss you to go to your second period. For your homework you will need to read and sign your class rules. Your class supplies will not be due until next week. Do you have any questions for me?" A girl with blonde hair and a cheerleaders outfit raised her hand.

"Why are we leaving your class like super early. Shouldn't we be in here like for twenty more minutes."

"Good question... Whats your name?" Mr. Owens asked looking at the girl.

"Stacey... duh.. I'm the cheer captain, so you should like totally know me." Stacey said twirling her hair around her finger.

"Well then... Stacey... Your leaving my class early, and every other class, because we have a school meeting in the gym. We have a lot of new staff here this year and we want them to feel welcomed." Mr. Owens stated. "Does anyone else have a question?" No one raised their hands. Instead we just sat in silence. "OK then, you may talk among yourselves quietly then." He turned around and sat at his desk.

Standing up I quickly walk to where Emma and Mike are at. As soon as they see me walking towards them they smile.

"Hey Girlie!" Emma said, pulling her red hair out of her face. She is a classic Irish girl. She has long, red curly hair, green eyes, and even an Irish accent.

"Hey Em's and Mikey!" I stated happily. "Long time no see."

"That's for sure." Mike said giving me his classic smile. Mike was one of those kids you automatically fall for. He has dark blue eye, which hide behind his dirty-blonde hair. He's tall, has a nerdy side, and is one of the star players on the football team.

I have known Mike since I've moved here. He was the one to show me around, and teach me what to avoid. without him I would probably have ended up being kidnapped, raped, or dead on the side of the road.

"So Mikey, how you been?" I asked him.

"Well, my bright blue-eyed friend, I've been reading the latest book in the "Kingdom Keepers" series. It's good so far, but I won't spoil anything for my dear." He said winking. I just rolled my eyes, and laughed. He knows that I've been dying to read them, but my mom won't get me the books.

"Mikey stop teasing me..." I pouted, giving him my best pouty face.

"OMG Layla... that face is adorable... MIKE! You should be nice to her more often.. Look how sad you made her. Why you gotta be so mean!" Emma said, slapping him on the arm.

"Awe Little Lay, I didn't mean to make you upset. But that face is cute. I'll need a picture of that later." He said trying to give me a hug. I pushed him away though.

"No hug for you, Mr. Mikey!" I said, trying to sound like a little kid. For affect I stuck my tongue out and turned around. I was about to cross my arms until I found my arms pinned behind my back.

"Does the Little Lay want a time out? Or a spanking? Cause I sure will give it to her." Mike whispered into my ear. I gasped as his hand found it's way to my butt.

"Mike Stop!" I squirmed in his grasp. "Mike really! Stop! Your scaring me. You know what happened to me when I was younger."

As soon as I said that he let go of me, and mumbled a quiet sorry. What he knew was something I never shared with anyone besides my family, and I really don't like remembering it.

"Layla, I'm sorry I didn't think, and well ummm, yea sorry." He said looking at the ground.

"It's OK Mike, really it's fine." I said as the bell rang. "I'll see you later OK?"

"Ya, see you later" Mike replied.

I walked out of Mr. Owens classroom and began to walk towards my AP Calc. class. What a lovely math class this was going to be. It's going to be so hard. The only reason why I am taking it is so that I will be prepared for college, which is always good.

As I walked I see my teacher, Mr. Wilson dressed up as always. He was wearing a black suit with a sky-blue tie, and a white undershirt. His black hair was jelled back, and he wore spectacles like Harry Potters. I loved him as a teacher, but I really hated his classes. The good was that there was no seating charts. Thank you sweet Baby Jesus!

I walked to the back row and sat down, the same seat I sat in last year. When Mr. Wilson saw me he smiled.

"Well hello there Layla, it's nice to see you again. I hope Your summer was well?" He said still smiling.

"Yes sir, it was fine. How was yours?" I asked smiling back.

"It was pleasant, thank you for asking. If you would be kind dear and pass out the supplies list when the bell rings. I have hallway duty, and I already want you to have the papers," He asked me. holding the papers out towards me.

"Well of course I will Sir." I replied taking the papers.

"Thank you. I hope the rest of the class will be as well mannered as you." He left before I could reply.

When the bell rang and everyone was seated I began to pass out the papers. Once everyone received a paper I laid the extras on Mr. Wilson's desk and sat down. I would have pulled my book out and read but I want to wait for my free period class. Help the time fly by.

When Mr. Wilson came back into the classroom he went over our class supplies, and his class rules. He talked about how he would be doing our grades, and what to expect.

"Now this class will be hard, but I will try to make it as easy as possible. If all of you do your homework you will do well. Just remember that if you do not understand something, I will be here for you. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Now in about a minute the bell will ring. You may sit and talk to the people around you. Have a wonderful first day of school." Mr. Wilson stated showing a warm smile to everyone.

Sadly the only person I knew in this class was Mr. Wilson. All of my friends were done with math last year and didn't want to take more.  So I just sat there and waited for the bell to ring. Once the bell rang I said my goodbye to Mr. Wilson and head for Room 64 with Mr. Miles.

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