Mr. Miles Classroom

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As I walked out of Mr. Wilson's I began to feel unsteady about my next class. The thing is, I didn't even know why. I may not like the idea of having a new teacher, but that doesn't explain why I feel the way I do.

Mr. Miles can't be that bad either. He's a teacher. If he was a bad guy then my school would not have hired him, Right? Yet i can not escape this bad feeling erupting inside of me. I can not escape the fear that's shaking my bones.

"I need to get this fear out of my head. I'm not a child. I can handle anything. No one is going to hurt me. I am just over reacting." I say inside of my head. "But, What if he's a stalker, a freak? What if he tries to hurt me?"

No matter how hard I try, this feeling will not leave. I haven't felt a feeling like this since.. Well I don't want to get into that.

I continue going down the hallway and when I am about to turn right I run straight into someone. Of course I run into someone when I am only three classes from Mr. Miles room.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I said looking up at the man I just ran into. It was the same man that I ran into at the library. Well this sucks, running into this dude twice. He is probably going to go off on me.

"Oh, no worries dear it is completely fine Miss.....?" He said smiling warmly at me.

"Oh, Umm, you can call me Layla. I'm really sorry though. This normally never happens. I'm usually more focused." I looked down feeling slightly embarrassed.

He laughed and look down at me with a weird look in his eyes. "Well Layla, it is okay, but you  better hurry and get to class. Don't want you to be late on your first day."

"Well let's hope we don"t run into each other again, and thanks. I don't want to be late either. Have a nice day sir." I said starting to walk towards my class.

When I was far enough to barley hear him, I could have sworn I heard him say "That's good, don't want to have to punish you for being late." I turned around to ask him what he said but he was nowhere to be seen.

As I got to Mr. Miles classroom, I saw that there were two other students already seated. A boy, who looked to be one of the guys on the football team with Mike, and Stacey from my first period. I guess they had been given work form another class because they were writing something on a sheet of paper.

I walk pass them and go sit in the back row of desks. I pull out my book and lay it down on my desk, so that I can began to read it. When I was about to open it the bell and the teacher walked in through the door. My whole body went cold. I don't think I could handle this class knowing that this man, the one i ran into this morning and five minutes ago, was my teacher Mr. Miles. He might have been nice at the moment because we were around others, but in class he could be completely different. What he said next made my body go numb.

"Max and Stacey I feel that you have wrote 'i will not make out in class' enough. You are both dismissed."

As soon as he finished his statement the two students grabbed their bags and left the room. Leaving me alone with Mr. Miles. Great. Once the door was closed he turned towards me.

"Well, Miss Layla, I hope we can get over the fact that we ran into each other earlier today and start over. I would like that greatly." He said smiling at me.

"Umm, sure, that would really be great" I said starring at him. Now that I got a good look at him he looks really familiar. He had dark brown hair, which part of it covered his right eye by the way he had it parted. His eyes were a dark cold blue. I just can't think of where i've seen him before. I snapped out of my thoughts when he began to speak.

"Well that's wonderful. Well as you know I am your free period teacher. I also teach economics, regular and honors. I just want my students to know me, so they can see that I'm a good guy, and they can come to me for anything. Sp let's see... I'm originally from Florida, I taught elementary for a while when i lived in Florida. Oh, and I love sweet tea." As soon as he said sweet tea remembered why he looked so familiar.

"OH! You were the customer at McDonald's that I saw everyday! I thought you looked familiar." I laughed.

"Guilty as Charged" He laughed, "I'm not good at cooking and McDonald's is easy to afford on a teachers salary." he said still laughing.

I laughed back, "That's really understandable though."

"So Layla, tell me about yourself."

We ended up talking for the remainder of the class. I told him that I was origonaaly from Florida too, as well as what my favorite books were. I soon forgot the uneasy feelings that were swarming inside me.

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