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As i reached the gym I couldn't help but think about last class with Mr. Miles. We just talked the whole entire time. I never talk to a teacher like that. Never.

Even though i know why he seemed familiar now, I feel like I know him from somewhere other than McDonald's. We could have lived in the same area in Florida. I should of asked him where in Florida is he from. It would be weird id we had lived in the same area, and now we both live here. Anyway I shouldn't worry about that right now. I need to focus on gym. If i look like something is wrong than my coach will start to freak out on me trying to figure out whats wrong.

Mr. Andrews tries to be my father since he knows my mom raises me on my own now. I really appreciate it but he can be really over protective. He has come in handy for all of those stalkers that i have had. He always helped me deal with them.

I remember one day last year when i had gym i was dead tired and he thought i was crying, and that something was wrong with me. Mr. Andrews is so sweet though. There is no teacher, or coach like him, that's for sure.

Since it is the first day of school we don't have to dress out for gym yet. So i walk into the gym and sit on the bleachers that are designated for coach Andrews class. I sat there waiting for the rest of the class to fill in.

As i sat there waiting i never noticed who came in and sat behind me. I wish i did though, because i would have moved to and open spot. Preferably closer to where Coach Andrews could keep an eye on me, not far away like i am right now.  It's way too late now though, all of the seats are filled with impatient students. Great....

"Hey Layla." Max's step-brother Ryan said darkly as he brushed his hand through my hair. "My brother has been hiding you from me. I don't see why, since we will be together. I mean don't you think we could be a wonderful couple?"

"Ryan back off! We are not going to be together. Your a player who wants to get into my pants, and its not going to happen. You can't sweet talk me into dating you, just like you do to every other girl at this school. So just get lost!" I said harshly towards him.

"Ouch Lay, that really hurts. Why would I so something like that to a girl like you. There's something about you that makes me want to treat you differently Lay." He said in a tone i never heard from him before.

Turning around I looked him straight in the eye and said, "Why should I believe you Ryan? All you ever do is hurt people. So give me one reason why I should believe you."

"....Because your the first girl that i really have had real feelings for." He said with so much sadness in his eyes.

"Ryan, i really can't tell if you are telling the truth or not." I said trying to sound convincing. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was telling the truth. I just was not ready for a relationship. "I just can't date you. I'm not ready to date someone."

"I understand..." He said looking away, "Who would want to date someone with a rep like me anyway."

"NO! Ryan, think that way. I'm really not ready for a relationship, because i don't want to end up like my parents. It has nothing to due with your rep!." I said trying to make him feel better.

"Okay Lay..." He began to say when coach Andrew began to speak.

"Hello class and welcome to gym. OK, so i am a pretty easy going guy. If you do everything, and work your hardest, we will get along just fine. Now since y'all don't have your gym clothes yet we will do free open gym. In open gym you can do volleyball, basket ball, or just chat. Its all up to you on what you want to do. Now go and have some fun kids!" He finished saying with a giant smile on his face.

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