Time for Change(:

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Heey Beautiful People ;D Well to start off my names Payton. This is my first book, so go easy on me at first. Please. *adds puppy dog eyes(;* its my first one. I will also be updating almost every day or every other day.( That's if homework doesn't get in the way) I am always wanting to know your opinion so message me if you have an opinion that you want to tell me.



*Brittney's POV*

"STOP" I screamed. "PLEASE!"

"Brittney, Brittney... Are you gonna cry now?" I look up and lock eyes with Payton. The Jock that thinks he is to good for anyone. He is still tossing my glasses to to all his Football friends keeping it away from me.

"...please.... just give them back..." I cry.

"Hmm... Nope"

He laughed causing all of his friends to laugh with him. I jump as fast as I can and reach for my glasses, but me being short i couldn't quite reach them. Why did football players have to be so tall?! He threw them down the hallway and I heard glass hit the ground. A burst of laughter followed and the sound of footsteps going away meant that they had left. I quickly grab my backpack and stumble to where I thought my glasses would be when I heard a throatt clear behind me.

"uhmm... are these yours." The voice says. Holding out my glasses.

I quickly take them and clean them and say thanks, but once I put them on I look up and am stunned to see who is in front of me. Kade Stanley. He is a wannabe of Payton but he's not bad, he's actually The sweet and caring one.

His eyes like emeralds and his clean cut hair pointed to the side in the front. His whole Cowboy look makes every girl in school fall head over heals for him. Including Me, but I don't make it obvious and nobody knows.

"Erm... Thanks..." I mumble.

"Uhhh... No Problem."

Out of nowhere a voice booms behind me.

"KADE? WHERE ARE YOU?" Says the voice but I would know the voice anywhere. Payton.

"I better go." I say

"Wait, whats your name?" he asks grabbing my wrist.

"Brittney..." I mumble, and before he can say anything else I make my way to my pick-up truck and zoom home. On the way home I cant help but think about Payton. How in Elementary school we actually used to be... 'Friends.' Then my mind wanders to Kade. Kade. How I wished for the day he would actually look at me or even say a word to me.

Well tomorrow starts the first day of Spring break. A idea pops into my head and I immediately call my best friend. Courtlyn. She answers the phone on the third ring.

"HEELLOO! she sings.

"Hey... I need your help." I say sounding pretty out of it.

"Okay... what do you need?" She ask worried.

"Meet me at my house in ten?" I ask hopefully.

"Girl... I'm already on my way." She says giggling.

"OK see ya then" I said smiling.

The line went dead and I say out loud,

"Gotta Love her."

When I got home I see Courtlyns new Camaro and her standing on the side of it.

"BRITTNEY!" She screams scaring the life out of me.

"HEEY" I yell

"So... why am i here again?" she asks eagerly.

"uhh..." I stumble. "Lets go up to my room and I'll tell you there."

She rolls her eyes then says "OK... If I must"

We head up the stairs and I am stopped by my 17 year old brother Aiden.

"Whoa! Hold Up! Where are you going in a rush?" He asks.

"To my room... DUH" I say sounding annoyed.

"Oh Ok." He says before running down the stairs.

I hear Courtlyn sigh dramatically behind me and I quickly turn around right as she says,

"Have I ever told you that your brother is H-O-T HOT!?" She asks laughing.

I make a gag sound and head up the stairs and shut and lock the door once me and Courtlyn get inside.

"So why am I here." She asks confused.

"Well I am tired of being a nerd and the the girl that everyone makes fun of. I want to change." I said mumbling the last part.

"LIKE A MAKEOVER?!" She screams all to excited making me fall off my bed.

"Uh.. yeah" I say worried.

"YEAHH" she screams again "I've always wanted to give you a makeover."

"Yayy...' I say sarcastically.

"Well, lets get started shall we.?"

Let the Fun Begin...

*Well that's the end of the first chapter and I will update later today and as in later I mean Tomorrow at the most Because I'm writing this in class so... yeah...*



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