Moment of Truth *Chapter 3*

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I AM SO SORRY THAT IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO UPDATE! Homework has been getting in the way alot and I have to study like crazy...Lucky Me... Well I'm most likely gonna have to update Every Thursday... I hope you enjoy this chapter. *BTW this chapter is not edited so sorry for incorrect spelling and Grammar*


 Payton's POV


I keep thinking about Brittney. I have no idea why. She's a loser. Even though I did have I minor 'Crush' on her in elementary school and all that means nothing to me now... NOTHING.

I throw her glasses down the hallway and I hear a muffled cry behind me as I am walking away from her with my the rest of the football team.

"What a loser." I hear Blake laugh.

"I'll say" I laughed.

Blake has been my best friend since.. well... forever. We've always done everything together. Usually after middle school friends loose their friendship and go their separate ways and all. Not me and Blake. We are still as close as ever and still best buds.

"Payton, I think we need to find Kade. He is helping with the party tonight."

"Yeah, lets find him, See ya at the party guys." I yell leaving Blake and I to find Kade.

Kade has been one of my really good friends since 7th grade and Blake, Him, and I are known as the inseparable pack. The think about Kade is that he has a softer side to him then the rest of us. He has always helped others and is much different than Blake and I. We're gonna have to work on that.

We eventually find our way outside and I see Kade talking to someone.

"KADE!" I yell.

The person he's talking to immediately turns around and as if pure terror begins to walk away really fast. That is until Kade grabs the person's arm and says something that I cant make out. That person answers and runs off to a pick up truck and drives off.  I would know that pick-up truck anywhere. Brittney.

Blake and I run up to Kade and Blake immediately asks,

"Who was that Bro?"

Kade looks him for a minute and then says,

"Brittney." He says with a smile.

Blake looks at me and then looks at Kade.

"What are you doing talking to that Loser.?" Blake asks.

"What do you mean loser?" Kade says suddenly getting angry.

I step in between them and put my arms between them.

"Whoa.. Chill out" I say eyeing the both.

They both immediately calmed down but they were still giving each other a death stare.

"Are we gonna go get ready for the party or not?" I ask stearnly.

They both nod still not taking their eyes off each other and we all head off towards my house.

I get in my 2013 Camaro and drive away from the school and pull up at a red light. I turn on the radio and start tapping the steering wheel. I catch sight of a black pick up truck beside me and I look over. She's talking on the phone with someone when she starts to laugh really hard and hangs up. She looks over the steering wheel and says something that I can't quite make out.

I hear someone honk behind me and screaming a bunch of jumbled mess. I look forward and see that the light is already green and I look over and see that Brittney is already gone, Great. I slam on the gas and take off ignoring the honk and screams behind me.  I finally reach my house and see that Kade and Blake are already at my door and doing a handshake, they must have just gotten over their little stare down earlier. I hop out of my car.

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