❖✥❖You get sick❖✥❖

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A/n- AYYYEEEEE! Ah and I'm sick. So how convenient :'). Also, Y'all be making some crack head comments but like same-                 

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Naegi⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 
You were sick with food poisoning. Lil' old you was stupid enough to eat an apple from Monokuma. You might be a teeenyyy weeeennyyyy winnnyyy too trusting. So, here's how it went;

Your POV
I was hanging out with Aoi and Sakura. We were walking into the cafeteria to find some ice cream or something because we're fat pigs (not rlly) and love our food. That is until Monokuma appeared in front of us. "Upupupu~ Y/n~" Monokuma said, calling my name. See now, this is when I should've rAn. But no, I didn't. I asked him what he wanted. "Welllll- I have this apple and it looks really good and shiny. It reminded me of you! So I decided to give it to you. uwu." He said with an apple in his hand. Hey I think I had a deja vu of this! Wait, did he just say uwu tho? "Oh! Uhm! Thank you, Monokuma!" I said and smiled. I grabbed the Apple and ate it to make him happy. And oH bOy wIlL I RegRet It.

Back to my POV ewe

Any who after that you were throwing up in Naegi's toilet. Of course, he cringed at the fact that you were puking in his bathroom that he uses everyday, but oh well. He'll get over it. You finished puking and looked up at him, sniffling. "N-naegiii~!" You said, practically dying in his arms. He lightly blushed and looked away, (uwuwuwu)
"A-are you okay?" He asked. You nodded. "But, cuddle with me?" You said, looking up at him. He smiled and nodded. You went to his bed and cuddled for the rest of the day.

                                                                                         ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  Togami ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 

Your pov

Ugh, I feel like complete crap. My throat is sore and it hurts to swallow. Is today finally my death date? I thi- "Y/N!" Togami said, busting down my bedroom door. "T-togami!" I exclaimed, jumping to the other side of the bed to hide myself from the embarrassment of my boyfriend seeing me like this. "Y/N. Get out from behind there right now." He said. "B-but" you said. "Y/N." He said interrupting you. "ahh- scary!" I said. I heard him sigh and felt his face palm all the way from over here. But he can't see me like this! It's so embarrassing! What if he sees how bad I look and wanna leave me for Toko or something?! My hair is a mess, my face is red, and I'm still in my pajamas! He'd totally think I'm a hermit if he saw me like this. I heard footsteps coming my way. Belonging to him, of course. He walked over to the side of the bed I was on and gave me a pitiful look. He reached his hand out to me. Woah! He's being nice? I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. I looked away blushing. bUt ThIs mAn CrosSeD hIS ArMs AnD WaLkEd AwAy! Like ok then, be a bad boyfriend. I sat down on my bed and  waited for him to come back. He came back through the door with cough drops, water and medicine in hand. I smiled, seeing that he did care for me. 

                                                                        ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  Chihiro⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 

Your pov 

I was laying in bed when i heard a soft knock on my dorm room's door. I stood up, still dizzy, and went to open the door. I opened the door up to see my feminine looking boyfriend. I looked down at him and smiled softly. I couldn't talk due to my sickness and loss of my voice so I tried telling him that I was sick in another way. I grabbed his hand and dragged him into my room all the way. I closed the door behind him and went to grab a notebook from my drawer. I grabbed a pencil and closed the drawer. He looked at me confused and I wrote down that I was sick on the piece of paper. I showed it to him and smiled. He gasped and made me lay down on the bed. "I-I'll be right back!" He said and quickly went out the door, closing it behind him. He came back in with soup and a cold water bottle. I smiled as a thank you and he picked up the soup with a spoon and blew on it to cool it down. He put it close to my mouth. AH THAT'S SO CUTE AND WHOLESOME!!! My face turned into a tomato and I ate the soup. He repeated this until it was all gone.  iM sO LucKy- He layed down on the bed next to me and grabbed my hand. I wanted to tell him that he would get sick so bad. He cuddled into my side and I gave in, wrapping my arms around his small body.

Haha. Wish I had a relationship like that- thIs DuDe lEfT M- I'll shut up now lmfao.

                                                                          ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  Leon⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 
You tried to hide that you were sick while you were practicing. You were practicing when your stomach started burning. You immediately clutched your stomach in pain and cried out. Leon walked into the gym where you were currently dYinG. Leon ran over to you quickly. "Y/n, What's wrong?!" He asked frantically. You shook your head and said, "I h-have no i-idea but this has been happening since like last week." You cried into his chest while he hugged you uwu. Of course, Monokuma popped out out of no where. "Upupupupu, What's wrong with your girlfriend, Kuwata?" Monokuma asked in a teasing tone. "I don't know! You find out!" He said, obviously concerned since he asked for Monokuma's help. Monokuma took you with him to find out what's wrong with you. Doctor Monokuma to the rescue!! yay! He came back to Leon like the next day with a conclusion. "She did like 3 ab workouts in one day and it caused her fake ab- I mean 
very real abs to hurt." He said, pushing up his glasses and smirking while you glared at him. You were red from embarrassment. "I JUST WANTED ABS" 

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Maizono⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 

You just had a cough but Maizono still made sure that everything was taken care of for you. You stayed in your room because she made you. She also made you soup and got you cough medicine. Even though it was really unnecessary, you were happy because it shows how much she cares for you. Oh you also cuddled a lot... she also got a cough because of it. 

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Kirigiri⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  

When she found out that you had the flu, she went from (•ˋ _ ˊ•)to  º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º real quick. She got all soft and nicer and brung you warm blankets. You kept getting cold and warm and shoved the blanket on and off. It was tiring. "Y/n, you should get some sleep." Kirigiri kissed your red cheek when you finally fell asleep and smiled.

    ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Aoi⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 

At first, Aoi didn't notice. She was hanging out with Sakura when you were sick and you felt BetRaYed. So you stayed in bed and didn't tell anyone what was wrong. Soon though, Aoi realized that you weren't anywhere to be found and went to your bedroom. She knocked on the door softly. "Y/n?" She asked, while slightly opening the door. She opened the door all the way to see you laying in your bed with your back turned towards her. She smirked. "It it that time of the month?" You glared at her, but of course, she didn't see it so you just scoffed and closed your eyes. She frowned and sat down beside you on the bed.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Junko⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 

Lmao. She was kind of a help. But not really. Like nu uh, she isn't gonna do that to you and get away with it. So you got Leon to help you and thEn she wanted to help you because she got jelly. Then she got all pouty because her nail broke. But it was kinda cute. To you all least. Or not- 

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Celestia⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 

She didn't realize that you were sick. But then you told her and she freaked out. Like she was yelling about how upset she was that she didn't help you earlier and stuff. Then her soft side came out and she started gIvIng yoU A PeDIcuRe. (Idk if that's how you spell that, but I could care less)

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Toko⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 

She was embarrassed because when she tried to help, she kept falling when bringing you things. You thought it was hella cute that she was acting all shy and stuff.

Hahah. That was bad. I hope you guys don't read this bc I messseddd uppp. Also, rEquEst SoMethIng bc I'm too lazy to think of what to wrote myself. Oh and should I make a danganronpa 2 Boyfriend/girlfriend scenarios? oH YeAh, that's a good idea. Not rlly-

💛Word count: 1,512💛o(ㄒoㄒ)

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