The clean up

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The Next Day,i wake up in a bed.i look around.this isnt my room or rush's.i feel someone move behind me and jump.i turn around and see JOHNNY!??!?i jump out of bed.i have all of my clothes on.thank god.i start walking away but hear somthing.''annie?..''i hear johnny say.i turn around.''whay are you in my room?''he asked rubbing his eyes.''i dont know..''i say.he jumps up and he only has a shirt on.i look at his neck and chest.''um johnny..''i say.he looks up at me.''what?''he says rubbing his head.''come here..''i say grabbing his wrist and pulling him to his moior.he looks in the moior then looks at me.''did you do this?!''he  ask.i slowly nod finally understanding.''i guess i did..''i say.''i have to go home before flash catches me in here!''i say and grab my stuff.''bye?''he says.i nod and run out of his room.i see cups and bottles every where.along with a sleping hayden cuddling with a sleeping carson.i run out of the door and go over to my huse.i quitely sneak im about to open my bedroom door i hear a voice..''annie?''hayley says.i shush her.''hey hay..''i say and hug her.''you smell like beer..''she says.i shush her agin.''i was at rush's hay its okay..''i say.she smiles.''go back to sleep hay its saturday..''i say.she nods and goes back to her room.i let out a sigh of relife and go into my room.i throw my stuff to the floor and jump in bed.i yell into my pillow.i slept with johnny?!we kissed!?omg pls dont tell rush,johnny!!i grab my phone and text johnny.In Text:


Johnny:3-uh hello?

AnnieL-can you o me a favor?


AnnieL-dont tell ANYbody what happend beetween us

Johnny:3-i wasnt going to

AnnieL-okay thank you

Johnny:3-no problem now i have to go so i ca clean

AnnieL-okay bye



i put my phone on the charger and go to my shower.i strip and get in.30 Minutes Later,i finally got the smell off and got out.i wrap up in a towel and go to the sink.i brush my teeth 3 times then wash my mouth out mouth wash 6 times.i grab one of my face masks and put it on.i put my hair in a towel and go back to my room.i go and sit on my bed.i keep my towel on as i sit there watching tv.about 15 minutes later i go back into my bathroom and take the mask off.i grab a bar of dove soap and rub it all over my face.i wash it off the take out my old contacts.i take my hair down and blow dry it.i braid it into to dutch braids then go to my closet.My Outfit:

i go to my bed and just sit there on my phone for awhile

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i go to my bed and just sit there on my phone for head is contuisly banging from the night before.i get up and go back in my bathroom.i open my cabnet and take out some.ibaprophen.i take two then go down stairs to the kitchen.i decide im going to make a smoothie and some fruit salad.i make them then eat my fruit salad.i put my smoothie in a resuable cup and deside to go to rush' im grabbing my phone from the couch hayley walks down.''annie?''she says rubbing her eyes.''hey hay,if you want somthing to eat there are some cut up fruit on the bar!''i say going towrds the door.''where you going?''she asked.''i going to rush's house ill be back later!''i say.she ods and i leave.i walk over to rush's and hear yelling.oh no what did he say.i slowly walk in and see rush,hayden and johnny yelling at eachother.i cant understand anything.i get beetween them.''shut up!!!''i yell.they all look at me.''what are yall yelling about!?''i ask.i get a look from johnny and hayden.''we have to clean up but me and hayden have practice!''rush says.i nod.''hayden go to your football practice rush go to your track and feild thing.ill stay here and me johnny will clean up!''i say.johnny huffs and rush and hayden run up to there rooms.''okay lets get started!''i say.i drag him into the kitchen and give him a trash bag.he rolls his eyes.i sigh and walk to the livingroom.''okay were out!''hayden says as him and rush walk out the door.i wave and roll my eyes.i go over to the tv and go on youtube.i put on some music.the first thing is "teenage mind"by tate mcrae.i love thhis song.i sing along as i pick up the trash.i dance around at the same time.soon im done with the livingroom and i move upstairs with gloves on cause god only knows whats gonna be in these bedrooms.after awhile im done after i almost vomit.i run downstairs and tie up the bag and sit it on thhe ground by the door.i havent see johnny in awhile so i go in the kitchen.i see wiping ddown the counters.''good job it looks great..''i say and walk out.i sit on the couch being done and all.i listen to the songs still playing.then a song comes on that i wish hadnt at the time..."heaven"by julia micheles.i smile at the situation.i feel someone sit next to me.''no need to imagine...cause i know its true...they say all good boys go to heaven but bad boys bring heaven to you...''i sing along.johnny laughs.i turn to him.''whats so funny?''i ask.''bad boys?is that your "type"?''he asked with air cotions.i roll my eyes.''most of them are hot....not all of them...''i say looking him up and down.''hey!!''he says and hits my arm.i slap his his arm back.soon enough im laying down on the couch curled up in a ball as he tickeles me.''johnny stop!!''i yell.he laughing very hard.''first say im hot!im the hottest person youve ever meet!''he says wstill tickleing me.''no!!!''i yell.he keeps going.''fine!!!your the hottest person ive ever meet!!''i yell.he stops and i catch my breath.''thats all you had to do..tell the truth..''he says.i roll my eyes.''im gonna go play basketball!''i say and run into rush's room.i grab a t-shirt and put it on then i grab the ball.i run outside and see johnny standing on tthe court.''ready?''he asked.i nod.''do you know how to play?''i ask.he roll his eyes.''we''ll see..''he says.i laugh and start dribbling the ball.he comes up behind me and i can feeling breath on my neck.i close my eyes for one second and the balls gone.shit!i look aorund and he's shooting it.''shouldnt of closed your eyes..''he says whispering in my ear.''ohohh''i say and jump on him.he falls to the ground with me on top.''you okay there anns?''he says.''i-i-i um..''i say and get up.i just start walking to my house.''bye annie!!''he yells.i just walk in my house.''hey annie!''my dad says.i walk past him and go straight to me room.i close the door.i start pacing back and forth.''whats going on?!?''i yell holdng my hair.

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