sneaking around

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After School,i walk out with dylan and johnny.hayden and rush have practice.''bye anns!''dylan says and winks at me.i laugh and me johnny go to his car.''wanna come over?''johnny asked.''i already am!me and rush are studing later!''i say gettingin shotgun.''okay,well we can "study" until he gets there.''he says smiling.i hit his four arm and he starts driving.we get there and his dad's car is there.''well damn..''john says.''shutup!''i say and get out.we walk in and seemr summerall sitting on the couch watching tv.he turns it down and looks at us.''he kids!''he says.i walk over to the couch and sit next tohim.i lean intohis side and hug him.''hey jim!''i say.hekiss'smy head and we pull away.''so what are you doing here sweetheaart?''he asked me.i see john walk upstairs.''imuh waiting for rush to get back from practice!''i say.''okay wellyou can hang out with poor old me if you want!''he says.i smile and he turns the tv back up.he was watching the arrow.imnot big into the dc show stuff.i sit for awhile until i hear him snoring.i get up and walk up to johns room.i dont bother knocking.i open the door and a plush basket ball hits my face.''sorry babe..''john says laying back on his bed.i pick up the ball and close the door.i go over to hisbed and throw the little goes thru the netand johnny cheers.''your and idiot!''i say laughig.he pulls me down on the bed.''and idiot your dating..''he sas and we both smile.hee slowlyleans in and kiss's me.he pulls away and i play with his hair.wejust look in eachothers eyes.''i never would have thought 2 years ago i would be laying in bed kissing you..''i say.''and i never thought i wouldnt think you were annoying..''he said with a smile growing on his face.i smack his arm.''thats it!"'he says.he starts tikiling me.i scream and laugh.''stop!!!''i yell.hekeeps going until his door opens.''whats-annie!?''hayden says.i jump up.i run over to hayden.''it was nothing pls dont tell rush!''i say.''whats going on bettween you two?''he asked closing johns door.''were dating..''since when?!?''he yells.i cover his mouth.''this morning ssshh!!''i say.i uncover his mouth.''im guessing rush dosent know?''he says.john walks over.''no he dosent.''he says.''and id rsther not tell him yet!''i say.''fine but if he asks m not lying to him..''hayden says.i sigh.''fine thanks you..''i say and kiss his cheek.''your welcome anns,but im only doing this for you!''he say  and walks out.''i guees thats my q to get out of here..''i say.johnyn wraps his arms aroundmy waist.''fine...''he says.i kiss him.''see ya later!''i say.i walk out and go into rushs room.i just sit on his bed and go on my phone.after awhile rush shows up and we sit onhis bed and do homework.we were working when my phone pings.i pickitup and see a snap from :John;):

i pickitup and see a snap from :John;):

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John;)-i miss you!!!wyd?

i laugh.''who's that?''rush asked.''dylan..''i say.i take a picture.

Anns<3-doing homework!leave me alone!!

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Anns<3-doing homework!leave me alone!!


Anns<3-give me a second..<3


i put my phone down and turn it off so it locks.i start working agin then put my books down.''ill be back nature's calling!''i say and walkout of the room.i hear rush laugh.i sneak over ot johnnys room and go in.he turns around from his desk.i walk overto him and sit in his lap.i wrap my arms around his neck.''i missed you to..''i say and kiss him.he kiss back then i pull away.i stand up but he pulls me back down.''nooooo dont leaveee''he wines.''i have to.''i say.''but i dont want you to..''he says with a kiss bettween ever word.i laugh.i stand up.''maybeyou can come over tonight..''i say.he smirks.i lean down and kiss him.''i have to go backto rushs room john..''i say.henods with pouting lips.i giggle and kiss his cheek.i walk out and sneak over to rushs room.''you good?''he asked.i nod and smile.

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