New Girl

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december 5,i wake up and get a feeling im being watched.i open my eyes and see all my friends and my sister and mom.''HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!''they yell.i cover my ears.i smile.''your 16!!''dylan says.she jumps in bed with me and hugs me.i hug back.i keep my blanket on since im only in a sports bra and shorts.''come on lets go eat some cake before school!''rush says.i nod.they look at me weird.''i kinda cant get up with all of you in here!?''i say.they nod and walk out.dylan stays.''im picking you an outfit out for today!''she says. i roll my eyes.its my birthday why not dress nice.i get up and go to my bathroom.i put my hair up and wash my face then brush my hair out.i walk back into my room and see dylan holding an outfit.''here!''she says.i smile and start changing.Outfit:

i look in the morroir

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i look in the morroir.i havent worn a "dress" in years.i run my fingers through my hair.''you look amazing!''dylan says.we hug and i grab my bag and phone and we go downstairs.i walk downstairs and everyone looks at me.i look down.''wow!''my mom and sister says.hayden and rush kinda turn away awkwardly but johnny just looks at me.i smile at him.we all eat some cake then we load up in johns car and go to school.were having a birthday party after school.were in calafornia so it dosent get rly cold but i bring a hoodie incase.we pull up and we all walk in together for the first tme in a long time.people look at me crazy.theve never seen me in anything besides a sweater and leggings.''okay we gotta go to class early becase of this idiot!''dylan says smaking caden upside the head.he holds is head and they walk and the boys walk to my locker.''m and rush have sport meetings before class well catch up with yall later!''hayden says.rush hugs me and they leave.i smile.i close my locker and tur arund when johnny grabs my waist.''happy birthday..''he says.i smile and bite my lip.he kisses me.the bell rings and we head to class.we walk in and i sit down infront of him.i reach behind me and under johns desk and he grabs my hand.we hold hands under his desk.we were about 30 minutes in when my name is called on the intercom telling me to come to the office.i stand up and grab my bag.john grabs my hand and smiles.i smile back hoping im not in trouble on my birthday.i walk out and go to the office.i walk in and see a gilr sitting in one of the chairs.''Julliana this Mackenzie she is new and i told her you could show her around!''he says.i nod and the girl stands up.''hi!''she says.i look at her outfit.its so cute!not somthing i would were but wow!!Outfit:

its so cute!not somthing i would were but wow!!Outfit:

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she gets her stuff and we walk out.''i love your outfit!''i say.''thank you i like yours to!''she says.''oh this im only dressed like this cause its y birthday,any other day i would be in a hoodie and leggings!''i say.we laugh.i show her around then the bell rings for dissmisal.''hey theres a free period right now if you wanna go meet my friends!''i say.she nods and smiles.we walk out to the football feild where we were watching hayden practice.i walk up onto the bleachers.''hey guys!''i say and sit down next to dylan.''hey!''she says.''who's that?''rush asked.''guys this is mackenzie!''i say.''kenzie actually..''she says. smiles.''hi im dylan this is rush thats johnny and the boy down there number 11 is hayden!''dylan says.kenzie nods.we talk and watch hayden play.when its done we all go down to th feild.hayden takes off his helmet and runs to us.i swear i saw kenzie stumble backwards.i laugh to myself.''hey guys!whos this?..''he asked staring at kenzie.''hi im kenzie..''she says staring at hayden.''hayden..''he barely makes out.''w-well uh im gonna go get washed up before class starts agin..''he says.he walks away with the boys his eyes still on kenzie.''oh my god...''kenzie says.''you like hayden dont you!''dylan says.''i mean..he is rly hot!''kenzie says.''all the summerall brothers are hot!''dylan says.''there brother?!?''she and dylan nod.''so are yall dating anyone of them?''kenzie and dylan look at eachother.''well..its complicated but me and johnny have a thing..but you cant say anything about it..''i say.she nods.we all laugh.dylan leaves cause of caden getting in trouble agin!and me and kenzie walk to class.At Lunch,by now me and kenzie have locked our arms together.she's is just so chill and amazing!we walk into the cafateria and go over to the table where rush and johnny are sitting.i sneakly siit next to johnny and kenzie next to me.''hey where's dylan?''rush asked.''she had to go home cause of caden but they should be htere tonight for the party!''i say.''what party?''kenzie asked.''oh ya!were having a birthday party at this teen club thing wanna come?''i ask.''sure!''she says.i smile.hayden comes and sits infornt of kenzie.''h-hey..''kenzie says.hayden gets pink.we all talk for awhile.until i get a text from my sister.

HayHay-hey um mom said i cant go with yall tonight

Annie-well ya its a teen club

HayHay-but i wanted to be with you

Annie-its okay!you know what ill let you pick out my outfit!



i laugh.''what?''rush asked.''hayley is picking my outfit for tonight since she cant come..''i say with wide eyes.everyone laughs.

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