Untitled Part 7

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the next day,so last night dylan ended up sleeping over.oh and the reason hayley was getting yelled at is because she was caught at school kissing some boy named avi angel.i wake up and hear my shower running."rly dylan!?''i yell.i hear a laugh.then a knock on my window.''okay annie you cant avoid him forever...''i say to myself and get out of bed.i wwalk over to my window.i open it and see a smiling rush.''hey annsiwas wondering if you were free tonight for soe studing!''he says.i knod.''sure!''i say.''okay well i might be a little late cause i have practice but you can go ahead and go to my room!''he says.i nod agin.''okay see you down stairs in a sec john is giving us a ride!''he says.i laugh nervously.''okay ceya!''i say and close my window.dylan walks out of the bathroom fixing her dried air.i go over to my closet and find an outfit.our outfits:

with matching white air forces

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with matching white air forces.we grab ur bags and head downstairs.mo and hayley were sitting at the table quitly eating.i walk to thepantry and grab two proten bars.i toss one to dylan.''okay mom were going to school!"'i say.she nods.''bye ms,leblanc!"dyla says.we leave.we walk out and see hayden and rush getting in johnnys car.i want to start running away but dylan grabs my arm.''cmon anns..''she says.we walk over to the car and climb in.the seating is:



both of he boys sat in the backcause they were playing fortnite together.so i got stuck with johnny.he looks at me and smiles and little.i look down.he starts the car and we head off.we were half way there when i fell a hand graze mine.i look down and see johnny slowly reaching for my hand.i pull away and put it on my leg.a little while later i feel a hand going up my leg.i tense up and get chills.i see johnny smirk knowing how nervous i am.he slowly moves a little higher.then stops and sqweezes my thigh.i jump and wimpper a little.''you okay anns?''rush asked.''y-ya i just have the hicups!''i say.the rest of the ride johnny's hand was on my tigh.when we pull up i say bye rly quick and jump out of the car.i grab dylan and pull her to the girls bathroom.''whats wrong annie?''she asked.''i ccant do it anymore!!''i yell.''okay okay calm down!what?''she asked.i look at her and lean aginst the wall.''pretend like i dont like johnny vincent summerall..''i say and play with my hands.'' talk yo him..''dylan says.i look up.the bell rings and she walks out waving.i grab my phone and text johnny.

Julliana<3-meet me in the upstairs bathroom in 5

Johnny<3-but i have class

Julliana<3-skip,we need to talk

Johnny>3-be there in 5

i stand up and run outof the bathroom..i run up stairs and go to the unused bathroom.its so far from all the classes that noone rly uses i.i stand there for a few minutes when the dor open.i see johnny walk in.he looks at me.''what did you wanna talk about?''he asked leaning aginst the wall.i slowly walk towrds him.he stands up straight and i look up at him.he licks his lips.were inches apart.i leanin and kiss him.he seemed shcked but he kissed back.he whispers jump and i jup and wrap my legs around his waist.he spins us around so im aginst the wall.we makeout until wehear the bell for dismisal.we pull away out of breath.''annie grace leblanc will you be my girlfriend??''he asked.i smile.''yes..''i say and kiss him agin.we pull away and i get down.we smile at eachother.the bell rings agin and he kisses me then walks out.i bite my lip and jump up and down sqwealing.

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