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Ash was surprised when he got a call from his manager the next Day, the man telling him that he needed to come to his label's office for something. He was confused since work on his next solo release'd been going very well, a projected release date for that Summer already more or less nailed down. Seeing no option but to do as told since whatever he wanted to talk to him about was obviously big, he told him to give him a few minutesta wrap up what he was doing at APFI, and he'd head on over.

        The short drive into Downtown Nashville was spent wondering what on Earth Dave could possibly need to tell him that'd require a face-to-face. Unless something'd gone screwy–or extremely well–so that they needed to Change that projected release date, he couldn't think of anything that'd answer that question off the top of his head.

        Getting into his manager's office and seeing the trio of blondes from Poison sitting there with him was more than a bit of a surprise, even for around one in the afternoon. He hadn't seen them since Aerin's birthday last October–or rather, a few Days afterward since they'd stuck around long enough for Bobby to be discharged from the hospital. After that, they'd needed to get back to their own Lives out in Los Angeles, so they'd bid the older bassist a bittersweet goodbye and promised to keep in touch so they could keep tabs on how he was doing as he recovered.

        "Well, seeing the three of y'all's definitely a surprise," the younger bassist chuckled, doling out one-armed hugs as they roseta greet him.

        "More of one than ya know, Ash," Rikki told him with a chuckle of his own.

        "Dare I ask, or...?" He cocked a brow curiously at the older blonde.

        "This is the part where ya might wanna sit down, Ash," Dave laughed. "'Cuz if you're even half as surprised as I am, I'd rather not have to clean your brains up off my office floor."

        "Ooookaaaay," Ash said, clearly sounding confused.

        "We're guessing ya haven't heard yet?" Bret asked, his expression turning serious as he settled into business mode.

        "Heard what?" the younger bassist countered. "I wasn't aware that there was anything I needed to hear."

        "I guess he hasn't," CC chuckled.

        "Well, then–why don'tcha just watch this?" the front man suggested, handing him a laptop.

        Still beyond confused, he took it and saw an online article with the headline Bobby Dall Quits Poison at the top. "Holy shit," he breathed, his eyes widening.

        "Don't even have to ask if he read the headline," Rikki laughed. "Just watch the video–or read the transcription, whichever one works for ya."

        Nodding, Ash clicked on the Play button, not wanting to possibly have to reread the same line fifteen Times 'cuz he wound up so shocked, he'd trouble processing what he'd read. He was more than a bit shocked when Aerin joined the older bassist on camera about halfway through, although her obviously not going through the hair and makeup process first wasn't much of a shock.

        The other part that surprised him was that they announced their engagement to the World right there in the video he was watching. Anyone who'd known that Bobby'd even popped the question–himself, included–knew they'd wanted to keep that part of their Lives private. He supposed that even if they'd to admit their engagement, at least they hadn't had to admit that she was pregnant, knowing full well that neither of them wanted to do that. It wasn't any of the World's business, as far as they were concerned, and the World had best be glad they'd shared as much as they had.

Good Love (Sequel to Chance Meeting)Where stories live. Discover now