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The next few weeks were more than a lil crazy, what with everything that was going on all combined at once. Aerin was oft more short-tempered than normal, what with being so hormonal and tired due to her pregnancy. She tried not to take it out on anyone else, but that wasn't always the easiest thing for her to manage, so they didn't hold it against her when she did.

        Bobby was also more tired–for a highly-active Scorpio, that is–and short-tempered from packing up his entire Life, moving it to Nashville, and starting the process of unpacking. Not only did he've those thingsta deal with, but once he got up to Tenn with a couple U-hauls and his kids, he'd to worry about getting his old house on the market again. He could still afford to keep it, if he'd wanted to, but he didn't see himself Returning to Florida aside from a Future tour, if he ever choseta reunite with Poison once the twins were born and a few Years old.

        On top of all that, Ash was still thinking long and hard about taking Poison up on their offer in between working on his solo Music and clothing line, not to mention helping his friends. He hadn't been kidding about wanting to take his Time, and not just so he could help Aerin move outta his house and into the Silver Fox's new one a few miles away. Joining an already-established band was never something to take lightly, whether they'd been around for a decade or more than four.

        "And you're still planning on handfasting down in Florida?" he was asking the young woman as they worked on unpacking a few boxes while Bobby was napping.

        "Yeah, we're still planning on that," Aerin answered with a nod. "Prolly gonna be something impromptu when he goes down to finish up the closing on his house in Miami."

        "I don't think there's a damn thing about the two of ya that's predictable or planned," the younger bassist laughed softly.

        "Seriously," she agreed with a giggle. "I mean, we never even planned on meeting each other–getting together and finding out I'm pregnant, and with twins at that, certainly wasn't in either of our Tarot cards, as far as I know."

        "Well, sometimes the impromptu and unpredictable stuff's the best," Ash told her. "God knows it's all working out for everyone involved–or at least, it seemsta be."

        "Yeah, that's definitely true," the young woman admitted. "Things could certainly be a lot worse."

        Moments later, they heard a grunt followed by a pleasured groan from the couple's living room, which told them that Bobby was up from his nap. He'd no doubt sat his recliner up, which'd explained the grunt, and popping his back'd explain the groan that'd followed it. Therefore, they weren't surprised when he shuffled into the kitchen, where they were unpacking dishes and finding the best placesta store them.

        The older bassist chuckled as he leaned down to kiss his fiancé, who hummed happily as she wrapped her arms around his waist. He could already feel a slight bulge to her belly where it pressed against him, even though she was just three months along, give or take. Just like she did, though, he took that as a good thing since that meant their babies were healthy and growing like they should be.

        After breaking their kiss, he moved to start rummaging through what they'd unpacked since food had been the first set of boxes they'd come to. He might not be awake enough to help unpack just yet, but he could at least get a mess of linguine started since it was getting later in the afternoon. Waiting for the Water to start boiling'd give him Time to wake up enough to pay attention to measuring out herbs and spices, and browning meat wasn't that hard. He'd done that latter part plenty of Times when he was sleep deprived due to having young children who couldn't cook, but were clamoring for food.

Good Love (Sequel to Chance Meeting)Where stories live. Discover now