Chapter one

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A/N: due to not knowing what old/middle French was like or how it was written I've used Latin as a substitute in this chapter

New Year's Day, 2020, Paris, France

In the early hours of the morning a  woman was found in a simple cloth dress that was burned badly. But what caught passerby's eye was her severe burns, that stretched up from her feet to he head though the burns above her chest weren't as bad as the rest of her body. A sober passerby who had been walking a drunk friend home stopped to check for a pulse since there hadn't been any fires in the area and there were no reports of rogue fireworks.

Upon finding a pulse he pulled it his phone and called for an ambulance. He wanted to make sure she was alright so stayed there with her along with his drunk friend. When the ambulance  he was asked if he knew her he told them the truth and what he knew before taking his friend home hoping the woman would be okay.

When treating her in the ambulance the ambulance crew noticed what looked like two stages of burning. When attempting to resuscitate her they noticed then smoke the smell of smoke as she breathed which wasn't coming from her clothing or skin. It was coming from her lungs which worried the paramedics immensely and upon arriving at the hospital she was rushed to urgent/intensive care. They started treating her injuries but they weren't changing her condition even slightly. They hooked her up to a ventilator and heart monitor so they could monitor her more closely. When the nurse looking after her went to change shift with the next shift of staff the woman disappeared from the hospital room like she had never been there.

Hours later she was found outside of Notre Dame by a family heading to mass at another church

"Miss are you alright?" The mother of the family asked

"Quid est?" (Translated 'what happened here?') she asked

"I'm sorry I don't know what your saying"

"Quid est?"

"Do you speak French?"

"loqueris modo gallico?" (Do you speak French

"I don't know what your saying "

The woman looked around for someone who might understand the odd speaking woman. She stopped Everyone she could for help but could you find anyone who understood the woman's odd language.

A historian who was passing by heard the odd language and rushed over "I know what language she's speaking, it's an old version of French called Middle French it started being spoken in the Hundred Years' War, let me try something. anno domina, quid est?"(Madame what year is it?)

"1431" (Not wring it out in Roman numerals)

"quod nomen tibi est?" (what is your name?)

"Jeanne D'arc"

"Jeanne D'arc?"

The woman nodded. Upon hearing the name many looked at her in shock. Could this be the saint herself

"quod factum est ecclesia?" (What happened to the church?)

"est ignis" (there was a fire)

The woman looked sad at this looking up at the mammoth structure of Notre Dame  before she walked towards it and slowly walked around the outside.

After this encounter word spread quickly through Paris until it reached France himself in a small Parisian cafe when he went to get some coffee. After receiving his coffee to go he rushed to Notre Dame to see for himself if it was in fact Joan

As he arrived he noticed her short brunette hair(she wasn't blonde) "Jeanne?"

She turned around on the spot in the blink of an eye "Francis?"

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