chapter seven

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(A/N: before we start I must warn you im using German in the place of old English due to lack of good translators and im using the last known location of his body as during the dissolution of the monasteries his tomb was believed to have been raided before he was moved to St Bartholomew's church, he was exhumed from there in 2013 for safety after Richard iii was found in a car park)

New Year's Day 2020 Hyde Abbey Gardens , Winchester, Hampshire, England

In a Garden which was all that remained of the medieval Hyde Abby Monastery. A man awoke, he wore a Dark blue tunic and bright red cape, upon his feet were elaborate leather boots. Beside him were a crown, a battle axe and a handful of ancient scrolls. the sun had yet to rise but outside the garden was already bussing. he stood quickly after hearing a car backfire as he didn't know what the sound was. He looked around and where he had just been laid.

Before him on simple stone slab on the ground was a simple Cross and a name 'King Alfred The Great of England' (the graves of Alfred, his wife and son Edward the Elder do not have names only crosses but I needed to include his name somewhere)

Alfred signed seeing his name and the simple cross before looking around and seeing the two other graves, his wife and son. he picked up his belongings and began looking for someone to ask where he was and what had happened to what he assumed used the be a church that he was once buried inside.

He came across a gardener as he walked the gardens

"Hallo? Es tut mir lied, sie zu stören, aber wo ist das?"(translation: hello sorry to bother you but where is this?)

The gardener was confused trying to understand him and very taken aback by his clothing

"Mate i have no clue what your sayin' or why your walking around a religious site in that"

"Wie komme ich in die Hauptstadt?" (how do i get to the capital?)

"Still no clue mate, this is Hyde abbey gardens just north of Winchester if that's what your askin'"

"Das ist also Winchester. Wie ist Lundenwic?" (so this is winchester which way to Lundenwic(Anglo Saxon London)

"Lundenwic? you mean London? that's to the north east though more east then north. you gotta follow the road signage"

Alfred wasn't fully sure on what he said but headed in the direction he was pointed in. It took til the 2nd for him to arrive at the edge of the capital. He continued further into London until he reached London bridge. It looked much different to the roman or Viking bridges that once stood there. Around him cars and people alike hurried to work and around the city. Beneath his feet the tube was ferrying people around the city and the outskirts. he wanted to try to ask someone where he was but remembered that would be a bad idea as he couldn't be understood. This London was much different from the settlement he knew.

Among the people bustling around were Arthur and Elizabeth, they were in the capital to get Elizabeth some modern clothing, Elizabeth had frozen upon seeing the crown on Alfred's head and pulled Arthur to her side.

"is that a crown?"

"yes, one I haven't seen since I was a child, if it's who i think it is. He'll be confused and unable to speak to anyone because no one can understand him"

Arthur led Elizabeth through the crowds towards the Anglo Saxon king



"Es ist schön dich wieder zu sehen" (its good to see you again)

"und Sie auch Arthur, wer kann diese schöne Dame sein?" (and you Arthur, Who may this beautiful lady be?)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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