Chapter two

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New Year's Day, 2020, Hampton Court Palace, England

When the workers of English heritage opened the site ready for visitors they did not see anyone inside. But not an hour had past since the site has been opened to visitors was there a woman in lush Tudor clothing found in one of the rooms breathing heavily laid on the ground by some visitors and staff were notified.

As the staff approached the woman they noticed her long red hair and the gold of her dress.

"Miss are you alright?"

"Aye I am good"

"Do you know where you are?"

"Hampton Court, what is happening?" Where's Arthur?"

"Arthur miss I'm not sure who your talking about

"Arthur kirkland my husband"

"Miss we haven't had a mr kirkland arrive this morning, do you know how we can contact him"

"I don't know"

"How about we take you to the cafe in the visitors centre and try and see if we can contact him"

"Ok. Wait visitors centre? Is this palace a museum now?"

"It has been for many years now since 1838(this is when Victoria opened it to the public)"

"Oh alright, Arthur works with the government I believe"

"We'll see what we can do to get hold of him for you, I think his name is in one of our visitors log but I'll have a look for you "

The member of staff helped her stand and led her to the visitors centre and got her some tea from the café before searching the visitors log for his name (basing this info off of where i volunteer)

Upon finding his name the worker decided to call one of his managers to see if he could get contact details for Arthur and the manager said he did have a contact number for him and would call him to ask him to get to Hampton quickly. The worker thanked his manager and went back to Elizabeth "my manager has said he'll get hold of Arthur for you"

A few hours later Arthur did arrive though in civilian clothing. Upon spotting Elizabeth he ran over "Liz" he hugged her tightly "I missed you" he whispered in her ear.

Elizabeth hugged back tightly "Arthur thank god your okay"

"Of course Liz now lets get you home, you look exhausted"

Elizabeth nodded "of course" she got up carefully after pulling away from the hug

The worker smiled looking over At them before returning to his task As they left

As they drove the almost hour home Elizabeth marvelled at the car "it's a horseless carriage"

"It's called a car it works on a fuel made from oil " Arthur smiled while focusing und the road he was trying to drive responsibly as to not scare Elizabeth as the fasted a horse drawn carriage could go was 12 miles an hour (I've listened to six too much- 12 miles an hour comes from Anne of Cleeve's song 'get down') Elizabeth watched the scenery change as they left London towards Arthur's home in the countryside passing Windsor "I forgot how far out of the capital you live"(when choosing where to have Arthur's house Cos I kinda imagine it backing onto a forest which there is Windsor forest near Windsor and Legoland, part of which is part of Windsor Great Park.- My other Option for her to turn up was in Windsor castle but as it's a royal residence still I didn't want to risk anything )

Upon arriving at the house Arthur parked there car and as the gentleman he is got out and walked around the car to open the car door for Elizabeth offering her his arm to help her get out.

"I know it doesn't look like you remember but I didn't have much choice to update it with every new royal dynasty "

Elizabeth looked at the house in amazement at the stone work on the outside of the house "it's beautiful Arthur"

"Thank the 17th and 18th centuries, the current queen shares your first name you know, her mother too ruling under an Elizabeth always makes me think of you"

Elizabeth blushed "the stone works look 12th century, it's good to see stone masonry came back into fashion"

Arthur lead her inside "inside is more Modern. When the Victorians invented a way to really harness electricity I Installed it so no more dangerous candles. No more lead in the window either lead has been proven highly toxic it's not even in make up, people think your lead makeup is what Robbed you of your youth"

Elizabeth looked around once they walked inside "it's beautiful, it still feels like home even with all the changes" she hugged him gently "thank you, where's Alfred and Matthew?"

"They became independent"

"And they don't visit?"

"Alfred throws a party in his country every year, I don't go because he always brings up his Revolution to me and I'm not going to sit there and listen to him and Francis taunt me"

"I'm going to hit them both with a nice heavy book my dear maybe knock some sense and manners into them"

"Liz you don't have to after 200 years I'm used to it, I'm one of the last ones with a monarchy though, France's king lost his head Russia's royal family was brutally murdered in a basement- shot to death by a firing squad after being assured of salvation from their prison to somewhere safe- post their death they were put in acid
in an abandoned quarry then dug them up and buried them with no marker of the burial, I helped him identify the remains, the find hurt him a lot. he was close to their youngest daughter Anastasia, prussia's royals fled god knows where" Arthur listed off a few nations royals

Elizabeth frowned at the fates of many royals "I'm happy you still have royals."

"They don't have full control anymore they're mostly a figure head now, thank your Scottish cousin's family for that, Mary's grandson started a civil war with parliament- the king lost his head and for 10 years parliament had full control Before the people called for the last king's son to come and take over, he was jolly and loved music and many women though never really did anything like your father, he saved London after there was a massive fire, helped put it out and had it rebuilt, he was everything I missed when Parliament was in charge, everything I missed from when you were alive. But before I go on, do you want to get some rest while I make us something to eat?"

"If you have something I can change into that is modest sure- my corset feels a little tight"

"Let's head upstairs and I'll see what I can find, are you alright with trousers instead of a skirt or dress?"

"I've never worn trousers remember Arthur but I'll try them"
Elizabeth smiled softly heading upstairs with Arthur. Once in the modern clothing with no corset Elizabeth relaxed " this feels so much better, thank you Arthur, can we have some tea?"

"Of course my love you definitely need to rest, do you want some food as well?"

"Arthur I know your track record in cooking skills. tea will be alright on its own" Elizabeth smiled to Arthur as they returned to the Living room(lounge). Of course Arthur was a perfect gentleman to Elizabeth. Meaning they spent the day reacquainting themselves and getting Elizabeth up to date With tech and the modern royals- and it's drama which she slightly laughed at but mourned for Diana as she wouldn't wish that fate on anyone.

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