Chapter 2

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Soon all four of us were ready and in the car, on the way to the local ice cream parlor.

Along the way, Taehyung was screaming choppy, and mostly made up, lyrics to the entire Frozen 2 soundtrack.

I looked back at my boys to see Jimin giggling at Tae and mumbling a few lyrics with him, and Jungkook happily kicking his feet to the beat of Tae's abnormal singing.

I laughed at my boys and soon parked at the parlor.

"Ice cweam! Ice cweam!" Taehyung chanted as I took him out of his car seat.

Jimin only giggled at his dongsaeng and stood beside him as I gathered my youngest boy.

"Taetae, hold Jiminie and Appa's hands as we cross the street ok?"

He nodded and gripped my and his hyung's hand and we made our way inside.

The boys' mother brought them here... once.

I was the one who brought them here once a week. It was supposed to be a treat to show the boys that, even though Jungkook was here now, they were both still important.

I mean, since there were two of them before Kookie, they already shared the attention, but we- I wanted them to know I still cared about my first borns.

"Appa! Appa! Taetae wan cookie dough!" I smiled at his cute lisp and ruffled his hair.

"Ok, Jiminie? What do you want?" I looked down at my quiet baby and he only looked up at me with a shy smile.


He nodded. I smiled and walked up to the counter, the twins trailing behind me.

I stood, looking at the flavors, waiting for a worker to take our order.

"Diminie! Pway!"


Jimin clung to my leg while Tae tried to pry him off.

I felt Jimin's arms retract from my calf and soon the two toddlers were running between my legs.

"Boys! Stop running! Go sit dow-"

"Excuse me?"

I looked up at the culprit that interrupted me, only to see the most handsome man I've ever seen.

He had the brightest eyes and the cutest smile. His chestnut brown hair parted perfectly to the side.

I couldn't help but stare at his ethereal beauty.


I flinched and came back to reality at his soothing tone.

"Ah yes, I would like two small bowls, one cookie dough and one mint."

The handsome man started to make the bowls and came back to stand in front of me.

"Anything else?" he handed me the two bowls, which I struggled to get hold of with a baby on one hip.

"Yes, a small vanilla bowl also- boys! Go sit down!"

The toddlers paused at my stern tone and ran to a table near a large window.

My attention was brought back to the man at the counter when I heard a soft, but also high pitched windshield wiper like laugh.

I turned around to see the employee smiling softly at my mess of boys.

"Would you like some help?"

I smiled at his kindness and agreed with a "thank you".

I walked over to the table Tae and Jimin were seated at and sat down in an empty chair. 

"Thank you so much...?"

"Jin" He smiled as he set down the bowls in front of the boys, who instantly dug in.

"Thank you Jin" I flashed him my dimpled smile and I saw a light blush spread across his face.

"Y-you're welcome." and with that he left.

Taehyung thought it would be fun to scream a "song" about how much he liked his ice cream while Jimin completely ignores everything and enjoyed his treat.

I fed JungKook a bit of my ice cream and tried to shush Tae. No luck.

I quickly walked back behind the counter and watched the cute family from afar.

That man, well damn.

He was breathtaking.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone like him.

He didn't seem coordinated and clean.

More like clumsy and wild.

Nothing wrong with that, but I couldn't help but wonder how he handles so many children at once.

Does their mother help?

Where is she?

Why is he the only one here with three small children?

I shook my head and continued to watch the family fondly.

No one else was in line, so I had all the time in the world to watch them.

I winced at the toddlers "singing" a few times but laughed it off because he was so cute.

I'm pretty sure I looked like a creepy stalker. Just standing there and watching a family of four, eating and screaming.

Oh well, I didn't care at the moment. All I could do was stare into the man's dark eyes and try not to get lost.

If I got lost, he would definitely catch me staring and I would be fucked.

Luckily, he was too busy trying to calm his son to notice my actions and I'm glad he didn't.

How embarrassing is it to be caught staring?


Trust me, I would know.

It happens a lot to me.

I can't help it, when I see a cute guy or a very attractive guy, I stare.

Not intentionally, just out of habit. I can't help that they look as good as they do.

Especially this man, who was only a few tables away from me.

He had gorgeous, light brown hair and the cutest dimples. His smile killed me in an instant, which wasn't normal for me.

It usually takes a lot to make me blush or feel flustered, as I'm very, very confident and not usually shy.

Well in this case I'm shy but- let's not talk about that.

I felt a bit sad when I watched them get up and throw away their trash, indicating they were getting ready to go.

I watched as the father of three held the smallest on one hip and bend down to snatch up the bouncy, boxy smiles boy and place him on his other hip.

The other child opened the door for his dad and they walked out to their car.

I sighed as the door shut and that annoying bell finally got quiet.

I leaned against the counter and thought to myself.

"Damn. I should have got his number..."

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