Together Again Hopefully Forever this time.

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Next week on Monday, I started talking to this guy named Ryel and he asked me out and I said yes. Then the concert began. The school chorus concert. I got to sing, clap, and die a little inside every fucking second. Just knowing that he was in there scared the crap out of me. My mom and dad came and my dad had just got robbed on gunpoint. So I yelled, "Daddy!" And hugged the shit out of him.

Then on Tuesday, it was Veterans Day so I didn't have school that day. It sucked. I mean I got to spend time with my brothers. I beat up a boy with grapes. That boy was my brother. I saw Nate's Abs, white ass (and I mean actually saw his bare ass) also his face. That was fun. I played video games with Joey too. Joey is one of my brothers. I didn't go outside because I was still grounded.

Next day on Wednesday, Me and Katy were in class together watching dumb ass Bill Nye. Katy kept telling me to ask out River. I refused because he was dating my friend, Melina still. He gave her love letters and all. It made me sad. Sad as fuck. Every time I saw him with Melina I cried and died. Then I was standing at the door and he said. "You ate out Zana last night!"
I chased that boy into the hallway and grabbed him up by his hair and yanked his head back and this conversation happened,
"What the fuck you say?"
"That's what I thought River."
"I'm gonna tell your mommy, Gloria!"
"My momma gonna beat your ass!"
"She ain't getting nowhere near my ass."
"Trust me, if she wanted to she would. She is a very demanding woman."
We then walked away from eachother and again, I cried myself to sleep.. Just like any other night. I died inside little by little. Every minute. Second.

Here comes today, Thursday. I get to school and the first thing I see, River and Melina. Then I got in first period and the girl named Skaecaline was starting shit with me and Britthany. She said that I said that I love Michel and shit. I though that was fucked up.

Then I talked to Grant (Zanas boyfriend) gave him the rest of my Pepsi. Grant is my best friends boyfriend. He has long hair like Roland but his hair goes in his eyes. His nickname is Purple Smurf. He always wears purple, don't judge!

I go outside for recess and I was already singing in lunch. The next thing I know, I'm skipping around singing the song I made up with a dance;
"Bang Bang!! Choo Choo Train!! You know you wanna bang bang!!"
Then I got like six people on the #BangTrain.

I started to notice River talking to Grant and the next thing I know, Grant walks over to me and says;
"Will you go out with River?"
"Yes." I was so shocked. I didn't think he still liked me. Brie was standing there and was like;
"I told you he still wanted you! He wants to bang bang you with his Choo Choo train!" I laughed so fucking hard.
I guess Grant did not hear me or something because I was walking down the 6th grade hallway to Mrs.Savage room and he stopped me and said;
"Yes or No."
I was so excited. I felt butterflies in my stomach.
Later I saw him walking and made him hug me and Brie said;
"Aw now kiss."
"Shut the fuck up Brie!"
She just laughed. I was angry. Then he met me at the gate and I got on bus 1080. That's the bus I ride to the high school. We held hands all the way and he kissed my hand twice in front of my brother. My brother said;
"Stop kissing her hand in front of me it bothers me."
I just giggled. Then we got to the high school and he hugged me and said softly;
"I love you."
I was so shy I didn't know why. So I said back;
"I love you too." I got on bus 41 and told Bayley and she was like, awww and ewwww.

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