6th Grade Year.

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So then I start sixth grade. I see River everywhere. Literally. It was impossible to keep my distance. Impossible. Hanging with Saige, River. He wouldnt talk to me either. Eating lunch, two seats away from him. Then, I also find out that the reason he hates me is Boone. Boone, decides since he is angry at River to get on MY Facebook and cuss him out! He pissed me off. I mean, really?

In the hallway. Then, I move down to Minden. I was sad that I had to leave my home, well my trailer. Turned out it wasn't that bad. My landlord is only in sixth grade too. Like, the fuck! His name is Zane Kally. He has brown hair. He is also a little chubby. Some people have said he was gay. I don't believe so (im starting to believe them). Anyways, we hung out and he was dating this girl named Lizzie, he said he wasn't happy and wrote me a note that said;

I am unhappy dating Lizzie. Will you go out with me?

I said yes. I mean it wasn't that bad. Then, word got around. I got made fun of so he broke up with me. I already get made fun of. I'm popular too. I don't get it, but whatever.

My friends began to say I was crazy. Because, I still liked River.. But they didnt know what it was pike to be in love. Even though he was a douch. A huge fucking one. My friends tell me I could do better. I don't want to do better. He is the best to me. I am the only girl besides his girlfriend Melina, that likes him. Zana likes Gary. Brie likes Karan. (I am the only girl who has not date Him. Besides Zana). Then Saige moved away. So me and Kathy got close. She has blonde hair. Short. Skinny. She also has glasses.

Since I moved I met new people too. Like this girl named Bayley. She has brown hair. Same height as me. A little chubby. She is pretty. Also like an exact copy of me. She has a sexy imagination, and she is also a crazy bitch.

So it was close to Halloween and our school was having a dance. I decided to go. I was made to, paid for, costume made. I mean I didn't have a choice. River was planning on going with his girlfriend Melina, but she couldn't go. So he wouldn't.

One day me and River were out in the woods and we were talking. Here is our conversation;
"Hey. Didn't you fall Adrianna?"
He always laughs when I fall.
"No. I sat down in tears." I didn't want to tell him why I was crying.
"Oh." He throws something at me.
"So I have a question." As I rub my leg where it hit me.
"Why did you ever ask me out?"
"Honestly I don't know. I was high all the time."
I chuckled at that.
"Oh. So you know those messages that were sent to you?"
"That wasn't me. It was Boone."
"I knew it. Me and Aric were looking at it and he said it sounded like Boone."
"Yup. So why did you cheat on me?"
"I didn't. Those messages were old ones."
"So my own sister cheated me out."
Then it got awkward. All I remember was him asking his friend if he had a condom. Then we both walked away from each other. All I thought was;
"Damn why is he so fucking sexy? He also has a really nice ass. I should never had broken up with him."
I had ruined my life. So I decided to tell everyone I like him. Like, I don't know why but he didn't know. Nobody told him. Not even Matt.

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