Chapter Ten

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(a.n: idk if this might be the last chap,,,, if it is , it might be long!!!)


I knew it was to early to do what I was going to do Ashton, so I would wait untill it was getting a bit late before I could do to him tonight.

I arrived at Ashton's house and rang the doorbell. "Oh! You must be Luke." His mum's thick Australian accent clear.

"Yeah.. that is me." I give her a smile before continuing. "I am here to get Ashton."

"He is upstairs, turn left, his room is the second door down." she says to me.

"Okay. Thank you, Mrs. Irwin."

I walk up the stairs, following her instructions. I found his door, the front of it decored with the name 'Ashton Irwin's Room!' I knocked on his door.

"Hold on..." Ashton mumbles from his room.

He soon opens the door, surprised that I was there. He wraped his arm around me, smiling bright. "Hi, Luke!! Do you think I look cute in anyway? Am I fine in this?" I put my fingers to his lips.

"You look great, Ashton. Lets go downstairs so you can tell your mum bye." I say, grabbing his hand.

Ashon nods, and we walk down the stairs, him infront of me.

"Bye, mum! We are leaving!" Ashton waves, and she looks up from folding the clothes she had.

"Good bye, Ashton! Have fun!" She relpied, going back to folding the laundry.

We walked out through the front door and to my car. I opened Ashton's door first, letting him in, and him thanking me.

"Is the park nearby? Or is it the one thats like 20 minutes from here?" Ashton asks me, obviously curious about what park we were going to.

"Don't worry, babe. We will be there soon." I pat his leg, reassuring him.

"Okay. Can we listen to some music?"

"Yeah," I say, pushing the power button. "What station? Or do you want to look through the cds in the glove box?"

"Can I see what you cds you have?"

I nod, and Ashton looks through the cds. "Oh!! All Time Low! I love that band! Can I put it in?"

"Of course, Ashton." He takes the cd and puts it in the cd player. He chooses a song while I keep driving. Ashton decides on 'The Irony of Choking on a Life Saver'


a.n : tipsyjerrie w

"This one is the best!" I exclaim, turning the volume up.

We both sing along to the song and other songs by All Time Low.

We soon arrive at the park, and I grab the picinic basket and the small blankey out of the back seat.

"Come on!" I say to Ashton heading toward one of the paths. "I know a great spot where we can be alone!"

Ashton catches up with me. "Here, let me carry something."

I hand him the blanket.

We walk for a few continuous minutes then get to the spot I chose earlier yesterday. There wasnt a bench, or really any thing. There were fresh new fallen leaves and you could feel the light autumn breeze on your face. It felt really nice outside.

"Lets lay the blanket down." I say to Ashton and he unfolds it.

We lay it down on top of the grass, and I get our food out. "Hope you like peanut butter."

"I love peanut butter, Luke! Who doesnt like that?"

I let out a small laugh, glancing at what I grabbed earlier before I left. I guess I could wait for a little while...
but not much longer.

We begin to eat not saying much. I wrap my arm around Ashton, not bothering much to finish my sandwich.

"So..." I mumble into his ear. "What do you wanna do?"

Ashton looks at me and smiles. "I dunno."

"Well, I mean, we are alone.." I surprise him by pulling him into a violent kiss.

Ashton lets out a moan. "Luke oh, Luke!"

I pull back grinning.

"Stand up, I have a surprise for you." I say to him, helping Ashton up.

"Um, okay." He stands.

"Now close your eyes, and put your hands over them." I take in is outfit, his hair, his whole self. He is perfect. So, so perfect.

I reach down taking the object I grabbed earlier out of the picinic basket. I lick my lips, turning toward Ashton.

"You ready?"

Ashton nods, I trace the letters on the back of his shirt. He likes Fall Out Boy... Interesting.

I squeeze his shoulder. I take the knife in my hand and slice the back of his neck open with one quick swipe.

Ashton's hands shoot up to his neck and begins to scream. I put my hand over his mouth, pinching his nose really hard. "Shut up... Or I will make it worse.."

He falls, loosing blood, and fast. I brace myself and cut his arms and legs.

"Luke! Stop!" Ashton was trying to push me away, but failing.

"No. Not untill you are dead."

Ashton lets out a moan from being in such pain.

"We all must die. One, by one." I whisper in his ear, "And you were one of the unlucky ones."

I begin cutting his face now, cutting deep. Ashton's eyes slowly beging to flutter close.

I stand, looking at his lifeless body. I didn't feel sorry for him at all. I walk away, taking my knife with me.


hai !

well that last part was um..



well that was the last chap!

btw luke commits suicide later on after the cops figure out it was him.

^ dang

what is wrong with me

pleease dont hate me or this book, it is only my first one so



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