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Author's Note:
Photo above is your outfit for work :)

Timeline: August 2004

"Seriously y/n, if you mess with this once again you're one month suspended. Stop taking pictures of the bands you're interviewing! They're not on a photo shoot okay?" Emily, the head of Kerrang, aka our boss, scolded me again. Yes, again. Well I kinda crossed the limits but not a bit thoooo.

I interviewed Linkin Park and they were very nice especially Chester and Mike. So, when I was finished asking questions, I asked if I can have a picture with them. And they agreed, so of course I didn't waste my time and took a bunch of photos with them. And theeeen, Emily barged in the room and saw us taking pictures, which is a very strict rule. Because us interviewers, are not allowed to take picture of them or even with them. We can only take one shot of them. And duh, one shot isn't worth it. So, yeah I sorta broke the rules.

And this is the fourth time I broke the rule though. Because I have pictures with Green Day, Simple Plan, and The Used. Well, hehe.

"Yes, boss. I promise it won't happen again." I said.

"You better be, you can go now. You still have five hours before your shift ends. Start writing your article and the interview okay?" She said and I nodded and left the room.

Being a writer and an interviewer is not that hard though. Especially in my chosen field, it's very interesting because I get to know the bands I listen to and acquire information from them. Some bands are even kind enough to give me an album before they release it or their merch for free. Well Linkin Park and Simple Plan did so they're basically my favorite interviews.

I scooted away from the interview room and get back to my station. I started writing my article about Linkin Park and fled off to work mode.


"And done!" I said to myself typing period and then saved the article that I finished writing.

"Geez, I wish I'm fast like you. My article always requires two days to finish. Ughhhh." My co-worker, Wendy sighed dramatically. Wendy is our entertainment writer though. Her work's really kinda hard. But she's the most suitable person for that section, 'cause even though she requires a lot of time to finish her work, it will be perfect. I mean it's always perfect. She's just really good for that section.

"You got it, Wendy! You'll finish that in time too, for sure. I'm kinda hungry. Do you want something, maybe coffee?" I asked and she shook her head.

I turned off my laptop and took my wallet and phone. I walked to Starbucks 'cause it's just across the street. I glanced at my watch and it's already 4:21 p.m., 39 minutes to go and I can finally go home.

I arrived at Starbucks and I'm glad that they aren't loaded with too much customers, just approximately 11 people I think.

I ordered my (the coffee you want) and paid for it. I sat at the table near the door and waited for my order. I looked at the outside surroundings and can't feel anything but happiness. The cars passing by, people walking and chattering, the slow Casanova music in Starbucks, what can I ask for more? This is just a very relaxing atmosphere, especially after Emily caught me taking pictures with Linkin Park. I'm even lucky that she hasn't fired me yet. Unless...

"Miss y/n! Espresso," the cashier yelled and I took my coffee and thanked her. I sat at my seat and take a sip from my hot espresso. I needed this because I still have to binge watch some movies later.

While admiring the scent of my coffee, I took my iPod and listened to some music to soothe myself more. After this long day of work, coffee with music is my best meditation. Patience by Guns N' Roses blared into my earphones and I feel relaxed even more. I even started humming it.

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