Chapter 1: Schoolmates

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"So, where do you want to eat?" Wendy asked.

"I'm not really that hungry," I said.

"Well, I am. Let's eat at Popeye's!" She exclaimed.

"Okaaaay," I said.

We went to Popeye's and there's just a few people eating there. It's almost 9:30 p.m. though.

I sat on a table beside the glass while Wendy ordered at the cashier.

I checked my MySpace and noticed that Boys Like Girls are becoming famous even more. They are a new band that just debuted this year. I'm following them on some social media sites to keep on track. Kerrang may want to have an issue of them if they become more popular.

Wendy is still waiting in line and I just wandered my eyes to the people walking by. Some parents holding their child, a kid eating an ice cream, some teenagers walking backwards, and then there's Mikey eating a taco bell. What the heck? Frank walked behind him, then Ray and Gerard at the back. Ray and Gerard were talking about something when Ray and I's eyes met. I smiled sheepishly and awkwardly waved my hand while Ray grinned and pointed Gerard to look at me. Gerard saw me and waved too. Then Ray and Gerard stopped in tracks and called out Mikey and Frank and in a swift motion, they entered Popeye's.

"Hey!" Gerard greeted.

"Hey guys," I said shyly.

"Hey, aren't you the girl in Hot Topic?" Frank asked amused.

"Yeah," I smiled sheepishly.

"Can we sit?" Ray asked and I nodded. Wendy looked at me and raised her eyebrows. I mouthed 'mcr' and her eyes widened. Gerard and Ray move some tables to our table so the four of them can sit.

Gerard sat beside me, Ray in front of me, Mikey sat beside Ray, Frank beside him, leaving Wendy to sit beside Gerard later.

"You forgot to tell your name earlier, by the way." Gerard chuckled.

"Yeah, you didn't tell me your name either." Frank added.

"Oh, I didn't? I thought I've introduced." I said.

"No, you didn't. I think we got pretty much distracted by the conversation. But Ray told me your name though. How did Frank and you met?" He said. I stared at Ray and I raised an eyebrow.

"Frank should tell you that." I chuckled and Gerard and Frank talked about my encounter with Frank.

"You know my name?" I asked Ray and he nodded.

"Yes, we attended the same high school," he said.

"Holy mother of cheeseballs we did?!" I exclaimed, Gerard, Frank, and Ray laughed while Mikey snorted.

"Yeah, but I was a year higher than you. But you're pretty much popular in the school so I know you." He explained.

"Popular? I'm just a commoner back there. A weird kid that's an avid fan of Guns N' Roses." I chuckled.

"Yeah, I remember the time where the school organized a prom and Patience blared in the speakers. I even got to dance with you, don't you remember?" He asked. Now I got to dance with him?! Holy pancakes, why do I not remember these things?

"No, I'm sorry. I remember the prom and Patience which I requested. Maybe you're mistaken about the dance because I only danced with two people that night. The first one's my date and someone called Manuel." I said.

"That's me! My full name's Raymond Manuel Toro-Ortiz!" He grinned.

"Ha- WHAT? But your hair was not afro back then!" I exclaimed. Gerard, Frank, and Mikey burst into laughter. Wendy even looked at us and she looks amused. And update, she's still ordering.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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