Chapter 9

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I walked into the bar and saw Jughead across the room. He caught my eyes and winked at me before nodding his head to call me over. 

"Hey guys" I smiled, once I reached the table with Toni, Veronica, Archie, Fangs and Sweetpea on. I sat next to Jughead and he intertwined our hands under the table so no one would see. It sent chills through my body and I felt butterflies in my stomach. He smirked at my heated cheeks and I rolled my eyes, beginning to talk to Toni.

"The ghoulies have been sniffing around serpent territory again" Sweetpea notified us all.

"Wait, they're still a thing?" I asked. 

"They're less of a threat and half of them left but yeah they still like to attack every now and then" Jughead explained. 

"I'm surprised they didn't fall apart" I responded. 

"They kinda did. There's barely any of them left but they still somehow consider themselves superior to us" Toni laughed. 

"Just be wary guys. If they are nearby then they're probably planning something" Jughead ordered. 

"I'll let everyone know" Fangs said and took Sweetpea with him to go and warn people. Veronica and Archie went with Toni to get drinks so we were left alone. 

"So the ghoulies still manage to harm you guys?" i asked, worried if something was going to happen. 

"Yeah, but we always win. Try not to worry" he soothed, his thumb stroking my knuckle. 

"You wanna go back to mine?" he asked. I agreed, wanting to relax. We left swiftly and secretly and got on the back of his bike, driving to wherever he lived.

A/N: hey guys, sorry for not uploading and for this short chapter. I'm really trying to focus on my oneshots book so I don't know if I'll keep writing this but I'll see how it goes, thank you for all of your support!💖💖xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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